Chapter 5

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A month later...

Nandini and Manik had come a long way in this entire time. They tried their best to accept the relity and move on with their lives. Even their parents supported them completely.

They even had frequent visits to Mr. Sharma's place just so that they could meet Tara. And Tara was more than happy to play with them.

Manik's pov...

"Yes Mr. Mehta...that'll be looked after, you don't have to worry....yes yes thank you. Bye." One more work done.  I arched my neck and rested my back on the chair. Damn! Long work days!!

I couldn't even take Nandini to the hospital today nor could I reach home before her. Would she be home by now? Its already 7.

But before I could call and ask her, my manager Abhinav barged in and informed that Cabir wanted to meet me.

And why does that idiot need a damn permission?!

Cabir is my best friend, ever since childhood. Also, he is the head of our marketing team. His wife Navya and Nandini are good friends too. Cabir and Navya are more like family to us.

Soon, Cabir came inside and made himself comfortable on the couch. It was an indication that he wasn't here for any business talk. I joined him.

"Whats up Malhotra. How's it going?" He was regular as usual but I knew he wanted to ask about Nandini.

"It's fine I guess..." I let out a sigh. Is it really going fine?

"Nandini is keeping herself busy with work and all." Cabir nods satisfyingly and gives me a pat on the shoulder.

"Just give yourselves some more time Manik. You'll be fine." He gives a reassuring smile. "Yeah, thanks man." I resiprocate the warm smile.

"Oh by the way. Navya aur Adi kaise hai?" I realise we haven't met them since long.

Aditya is Cabir's 2 year old son. Nandini is extremely fond of him. Don't know why that gets me jealous though...

"Oh yeah. They're fine. They just miss you guys a lot but. Specially Adi misses his Nandu." I laughed with him.

"Actually, why dont you guys come home this weekend? We haven't been together from long. We can catch up. What say?" That was actually not a bad idea. It would work as a good distraction for both me and Nandini.

"Done man! That's a great idea." I say and he grins. "Great! Adi's gonna freak out with joy when he hears this." Cabir said but right now he seemed more excited than Adi.

Like father like son. I adore these two.

"Alright I'll see you both on Friday. All right?" "Cool. We'll be there." I assure him and he stands up to leave.

"So when are you leaving? Its already 7.30." Cabir asks and it strikes me how late I am. "I know man, but there's this another meeting with the  auditor now. I guess I'll take some time more." I reply dryly.

He chuckles and asks me to wrap up quickly, then leaves.

Nandini's pov

It's past 8 now and there is no sign of Manik. He did inform in the afternoon that he might be late but I was getting bored now.

I was done cooking dinner and had nothing to do but wait for him. It had started raining and Mumbai rains were terrifying. So I decided to make a quick call to him and ask when was he coming back.

He picked up almost instantly. "Nandini." I could barely hear him. His voice was utterly hushed. "Manik? What, are you still in the meeting?"

"Yes. I am still here, and it might take some more time." He sounded sad about it. "Its..its okay. Just try to come sooner. I miss you." I could feel him grinning at the other end.

"Sure. But hey! Please hve your dinner and go to sleep." He pleaded. "Not happening Malhotra!" We atleast had to have one meal together. He knew that.

"Alright. No point fighting.." he gave up instantly and I giggled. "Accha listen, come soon and please drive safe. Its raining heavily." I requested him. "Dont worry honey. I'll be home soon. Okay?"

"Yeah. Bye..." "Bye. I love you." He said and hung up.

I smiled and kept the phone back. I decided to use my free time to make some designs for the new project. Turning on the music player I made myself comfortable on the living room couch. Cristina Perri's melodious voice kept humming in the background.

I didn't realize when I fell asleep right on the couch. But I suddenly woke up to the banging door.

I jolted up, shot my eyes towards the clock to see it was 2.30 in the morning. It took me quite some time to realize that I had actually slept and that Manik was coming home so late.

Another bang on tne door made me sprung up from the sofa to open the door for my husband.

I opened tbe door to find a whole different scene than what I expected....

There stood Manik, with his white shirt and formal pants all dreanched in water. His breathing deep but fast almost as if he ran himself all the way from his office. His expressions, unreadable. Pained? Scared? Shocked? I couldn't understand!!

But what startled me the most was the little girl he carried in his right arm. The left arm draped over his jacket that covered the girl's body. She was whimpering in his arms.


My head was spinning. What on Earth was happening??

End of chapter...





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