Chapter 1- Who am I

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While Reading this chapter listen to :

'Dream' by Pricilla Ann

'Sunflower' by Allie X

'Story of my life' by One Direction

'Anything Could Happen' by Ellie Goulding

'Breathin' by Ariana Grande


Emma's POV

Do you ever wonder what would happen if life had a button and when it'd get pressed voila, everything paused. Just enough to spread your wings and soar through the winds, high enough to be absolutely, fervently, incomparably. I could spend days waiting and hoping and dreaming about the scientist who would invent that. And then when that dream didn't seem too realistic I wished I was in Phineas and Ferb. Now this dream had much more potential. Maybe I would be Candice, only I wouldn't rat on the geniuses who provided me services for free.

I mean come on Candice. Like come on!

I shouldn't be complaining. As many would say my life is perfect. Expensive dresses, manicured nails and an endless array of creature comforts kinda fits into the 'perfect' category. But only from afar cause the closer you look the lighter the facade fades away this beautiful illusion of the perfect daughter, the perfect family, and darker comes visible the vivid spots of truth.

You see, the Harrington's are the epitome of a perfect family. My father and mother the perfect parents in everlasting love with their expensive cars and chauffeurs. Their priceless jewellery, their ginormous mansions and the their flawless entourage.

Ever since I was born, my life has been planned according to their wishes. The way I talk, the way I walk, even the clothes I wear is according to what high society rules dictate. I've never truly lived. I'm only 19 and I'm already 'engaged' per se to some billionaire's son whom my parents want me to marry. Well my engagement isn't official yet, we're testing the waters if you will, but still it's annoying as hell.

'I don't like it and yet I've got a ring on it...sort of.' Yes, I did just quote Beyoncé. With pinched lyrics. In other words, my life is basically like 'Gossip Girl' sans boys.

A house that's supposed to comfort me. Be my safe space is nothing but space to me. The thirty rooms are just squares that could collect dust for all I care. The pristine white brackets and column are perfect. Too perfect, that it almost seems wrong. The only place where I felt a little bit belonged is under the huge oak tree in my garden. I planted it when I was five years old. It's also a place to be when I want to avoid the constant in's and out's of strangers.

Oh by the way, I'm Emmeline Harrington, Emma is what I like to be called and yes, I am the seemingly perfect daughter of Richard and Clarice Harrington except for the fact that I hate my life and I hate how fake my parents really are. I am not like them. Faking takes effort and I gotta give them credit for that I guess.

I don't like getting up early. I am what one would call the human depiction of a panda. But my personal house helpers enter my room promptly at eight in the morning to begin my day. After that they insist to assist me during all my activities. So dedicated that they'd probably wake up from the dead just to clean the mess I've made if I accidentally strangle them.

I'm not crazy or psychotic just so you know.

Well it's fifty-fifty

Tired by my own thoughts, I decide a distraction is in order. So I put on a white spaghetti dress that has a low cut v-neck, it has flowers embroidered on it and it's short but I love it. Then a pair of sandals and I let my long straight brownish gold hair flow over my shoulders and head out to the garden with my music in tow.

My music tastes varies from rock all the way to country. I love them all as long as I like the tune. I flow with the music and somehow I get clarity. It's the perfect alone time. Music is who I am so intrinsically that I can't go a single song without wanting to know it's chords. Without my fingers itching to strum my guitar or drown myself into the melody of my piano. According to my parents, it's a waste of time. And no amount of resolve for my to pursue my passion will ever make them think otherwise.

I turn my head, the mansion coming into view. I sigh. To be frank even though herds of people surround me and want to talk to me, I could not be more lonely.

After a while a subtle yawn escapes my lips letting me know that the night hath fallen pretty early as per the EST aka 'Emma Standard Time'. I get up dusting my dress and start to walk towards my golden cage.

While walking I notice some disturbance coming from the backyard. There's a lot of noise in the distance, kind of like small fireworks but I ignore it. Leaves ruffle and for a second I felt like I'm not alone anymore. And since I'm no cat woman, investigating the strange noises isn't my cup of tea.

"Miss Emma, shall I bring you your dinner." Says Martha in her apron.

"No you shan't." I mockingly reply and make way up to my bedroom. I know you might think I'm rude and maybe I do have some suppressed anger and cut-throat brashness but it's not like that. I wasn't always like that.

You see I have to plaster on a smile in front of the people I meet or when there are cameras around which is more than quite often. It's so much...too much that my frustration comes out like this. But still, it's not...

Ughhhh! Damn this conscience.

"Uh, Martha." I pop my head back into the kitchen.

"Thank you for asking." Martha smiles as if she didn't even notice my impertinent comment.

"Of course Miss Emma."

"It's just Emma, Martha."

I put on my earphones once again to tune out the calls of god knows who. I've lost track of all the people my mother hires to work in our house. Crossing a large home theatre, informal and formal sitting rooms, a ballroom and two formal offices I finally reach my only sanctuary. Once I'm in my room I close the door and my eyes. My room like my house is huge. It's white and pink, dressed with golden fairy lights. To be honest I actually like it alot. Not the size but the decor.

I enter my walk in closet and grab a pair of sweats. Still bobbing to the music in my ears I don't even realise what's different in my room. My balcony door is open, which is odd, I always keep it closed.


I close it and shut the curtains ready to get ready for bed but when I turn around to face my bed, I face a much different sight altogether. My whole body shuts down. I can't move, I can't yell. I'm simply frozen to my core.


Omg!!!!!! The first chapter is out and so the journey begins.

The first couple of chapters may be boring and too descriptive but believe me it picks up.

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Please let me know what you thought of this story so far and don't forget to spread some love and drop some of those sweet sweet thoughts of yours, click the star down, duh! ;)

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