Chapter 30- Dr Potts

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Playlist for this chapter:

'Hustlin' by Rick Ross

'Beautiful Liar' by Shakira ft Beyoncé

'Enjoy The Ride' Krewella

'Bacon' by Nick Jonas

'Harlem Shake' by Baauer


Emma's PoV

Carter and I couldn't go to Bellevue Hospital Center yesterday since it was too late and we were still, I suppose reeling from the sudden revelation of even more untold secrets. So I'm calling them up now to enquire about the visiting hours.

"What are you doing." Carter says hyperly. "Ssh, I'm on the phone—Hello, yes I'm calling to inquire about the status of a patient admitted in your hospital." I speak into the phone.

"I'm sorry ma'am but patient information is strictly confidential and open only to family." Shit shit shit. If I can't meet Meredith then who can I.

Wait a minute

"Umm can I see Dr Harold Potts by any chance?"

"I can schedule you in for an appointment at 12 in the afternoon for today."

"That's perfect!" I say a tad to excitedly for someone who needs to go to a hospital.

"What is the patient's name and age?" The man on the phone asks.

"Emma—" I realise that I shouldn't tell my real name. "It's Emma-lee...Emily uh" I look at Carter. "Emily Jones, age 24." I complete and book the appointment. I guess Carter and I are related now.

"That's perfect Emma." Carter says sarcastically after I put the phone down. "It's only for today, it'll be fine." I assure him.

"What will?" Leo asks coming out of nowhere. I yelp and turn to face him. "Uh, there is a..a sale at the mall and Carter is scared that he will get scratched by angry female shoppers." I nervously giggle. Carter is shooting silent daggers at me but he nods in agreement.

"Glad to know I hired the best." Leo states.

"Nevertheless, you haven't seen us girls during sales, it gets pretty bloody." I answer instead.

"Why don't I come with you?"

"No!" I yell out raising my hands. "I mean you can't come because I'm...I am going to buy you a gift?" I mentally smack myself for saying it like a question. "Yes that's it, I am going to get you a gift, at the mall, with Carter, today, hence why you cannot come."

"Why?" Leo asks.

"Why? Well why is the sky blue? Why is up up and down down and not the other way around, these are the many mysteries of the world, okay um bye, see ya." I ramble on taking Carter's hand and exiting before Leo can ask me anything more.

Upon reaching Bellevue Hospital Center I feel nervous and a bit scared of what I might come to know. Scared of what secrets still lie with Leo. Bellevue is a big and grand and well reputed hospital, this just goes to show that Meredith comes from an influential and rich family.

"I have an appointment with Dr Potts." I tell the receptionist.

"Patient name?"

"Emily Jones." I say.

"And who's this?" The woman points to Carter. "This is husband." Carter chokes on his saliva and I wrap my hand around his arm, pulling him closer to me.

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