Chapter 28- Do The Nasty

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Playlist for this chapter:

'Regret In Your Tears' by Nicki Minaj

'Nobody Like You' by Kaskade

'Make Me Cry' by Noah Cyrus

'Everyday' by Ariana Grande

'Just Give Me A Reason' by Pink


Emma's POV

"A mint chamomile for the lady and coffee for the gentleman." The server proceeds to leave us in awkward silence.

"So." We both speak at the same time

"You first." I say

"I think it's better if you start Emma." I clutch my cup and shut my eyes. Breathing in and out slowly. "First you have to promise me that you will not tell anybody where I am."


"Brendon please." He nods slowly.

"You know how selfish our parents have been with us," He nods again and I continue. "I couldn't bear it anymore. The constant nagging and rules so I left." I admit embarrassed.

"But how could you do that, why wouldn't you tell me?"

"It all happened so fast." I sigh. "Jordan and Ellie knew where I was the entire time and as for Leo." I look up at Brendon

"Me and Leo meeting was a chance encounter, he was injured and I helped him. After that we were somewhat forced to spend time together and I asked him to help me run away."

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard." He scoffs.

"Leo is amazing, he's been so sweet and protective—"

"Has he? Because from where I see it, he is too aggressive for you to even be near him. He is manipulating you Emma, open your eyes." I sigh again at his words

"Leo is one of the best things to happen to me Brendon." I stare into his eyes. "And he is important. Extremely." I rip off the bandaid. Brendon's expression grows stunned and dark.

"What a lord of crap." He says disbelieving.

"I'm sorry but it's the truth." I say calmly

"How could you do—What about your parents.. what about me?"

"I run away and my parents rather tell everyone I'm in Haiti than accept the fact that I was feeling suffocated being with them. And as for you, there is no 'us' Brendon, there never was. We were forced to be together, remember? You should be happy I'm giving you an out." I tell him

"Yeah you're right I should be happy." Brendon shoots off his chair in anger and walks away. I follow behind after throwing a couple of dollars on the table hastily.

"Brendon." I call out. "No just forget it Emma, and here I was thinking that maybe we could be something." He stops.

"Something what?" I ask.

"Something more." He says coming to me.

"But I thought you didn't want to be with me too." I whisper. "I didn't but then I got to know you—" He places his palm on my cheek. "Don't be a fool Emma. Give us a chance instead." His voice comes out desperate and sincere.

"Brendon." He starts to lean in. His lips inches away from mine, his hands on my waist.

"Brendon no!" I push away. "Emma I'm so sorry." I felt so horrible right now. I wasn't doing anything wrong and yet I wanted to apologise too.

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