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The boys reached their destination. Math class. They entered the room and everyone stopped their talking to eye Zach. Not everyone has seen the new boy yet or so they thought.

"Oh my god ew, he really did mess up your outfit," a girl says in disgust. "Fag" a guy says spitting near Zach's feet. He just brushed off teh hateful comments and took a seat next to Jack. 

The teacher comes in and everyone immediatly stops talking. "Okay class! Take out your homework!" Everyone picks up their bookbags and start taking out thier homework folders.

Zach just sits and watches this happen. "Hey, you." the teacher says pointing towards Zach. "Are you in the right class you seem a bit..." he says eyeing Zach a bit more. "Young." Zach has always gotten this comment from people.

Its just because he has a baby face, it wasn't his fault he looked young its just how he was born. "Yea I am, I'm a junior like everyone elese." He says trying not to sound annoyed. "Okay then, homework?" "I'm a transfer." "Transfers still do homework" everyone in class 'Ooo's' Zach just rolls his eyes.

"What do you mean 'transfers' still  do homework? I didn't even know I had this class until a few minutes ago. You think I would do homework when I didn't even know what class I had?" Many people look at him with shock in thier eyes.

No one really talks back to teachers except- "Okay well I'm sorry, copy off...Who is that? Oh curly head. Jack right?" Jack nods. "Copy off him please" Zach nods and gets out a peice of paper. Mr. Dolan looks around the class again.

"Where is Marais god damnit." Zach looks at him with a shock, he's never heard a teacher curse before,he's never said a curse word either. He isn't allowed to at home or at school. The door opens revealing the same brown haired boy from the bathroom.

Zach perks up a bit as the boy walks in and takes a seat, a faint smile growing on his lips. "Thats all your gonna say Marais?" Jonah just nods and kicks his feet up on his desk and relaxes.

Mr. Dolan walks over to him and swipes his feet off. "Not in my class you slacker." Everyone burts out laughing. Jonah just brushes it off likes its nothing. Mr. Dolan must always treat him like that.

Jonah turns around to grab a pencil from a friend until he locks eyes with Zach. Zach's cheeks start to heat up again and he looks back at his blank sheet of paper pretending to read something.

"Okay class, now look on yoru computers. I have assigned a grammar warm up fro you on there, its on punctuation. Since, none of you know where your commas are supposed to go we are going to be doing that."

Everyone groans and takes out their laptops and gets on their homework site. They pull up the grammar warm up and start. Zach just sits there still copying down Jack's homework. He thought this was wrong, but it was what Mr. Dolan said so he is doing it.

"Once everyone is done please shut yoru laptops so I know. I better not see you boys looking at porn." Everyone looks at Jonah. Zach giggles a bit. He has no idea what porn is, but its a funny word.

Jonah glares at him jokingly. Zach stops laughinga nd just smiles blushing like crazy. Once everyone is done Mr. Dolan gives us a new instruction. "Okay my fellow students pair up with soemone.." everyone begins chatting with someone next to them.

"Hey! I'm still talking!" Everyone becomes silent. "Pair up with someone you are not currently sitting by." Everyone gets up looking for a partner with gloomy faces. Mr. Dolan usually did this so kids could get to know other kids they never really talked to, it was a good strategie, especially when it came to class projects.

"Wanna just pretend we didn't sit by eachother," Jack says smiling. Zach nods and listens as Jack begins to show him all the sentences he placed a comma in.

"Avery, up." Zach looks up and sees Jonah towering over his friend with not so kind eyes. Jack hustles to get up and move and Jonah takes a seat where his friend once sat.

"Hello there again" Jonah says smirking at the young boy. "Hey, so what did you do for your sentences?" "Nothing, I don't participate in this boring class, plus Mr. Dolan is a dick. Its obvious something is stuck up his ass."

Zach looks at him funny, but laughs a bit as he sees Mr. Dolan come from no where. "Something up my ass huh Mr. Marais?" He hits Jonah on the head with some papers. Some kids laugh and others just look for what Jonah would do next.

Jonah just sat their unbothered once more. "So cutie what did you do for your sentences?" Zach starts to feel a bit uncomfortable. Cutie ? He thought, no one has ever called him that. It made him feel war, and fuzzy, yet comfortable for some reason.

"Cutie?" he says seeing what Jonah would say next. "Yeah, cutie, can I call you that?" Zach nods his head quicker than he should've. Jonah smirks flipping a pencil in his hand lying back in his chair.

He was very interested in Zach, but for the wrong reasons all he wanted was to fuck that boy right over a table and hear him moan out his name.

Yes, Jonah was not the person you thought he was.


I know this looks like more of a Zonah book,

but Corbs is coming up soon, promise!

~ AJ

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