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Once class is over Jack drags Zach out of class before Jonah could have a word with him.

"Zach, don't interact with Jonah. He is bad news.." Jack says. Him syaing it as if something happened to make him think this way.

"Why he is really sweet he called me a cutie, I don't know why but he makes me have butterflies in my stomach, oh! And he helped me clean up in the bathroom and-" "Zach! I mean it! He is bad news so just drop it! Okay?!" Jack says annoyed glaring at the teen.

Zach is taken a back by Jack's outburst. He has never been yelled at like that before especially about someone as kind as Jonah. All Jonah was doing was making the boy happy, but he couldn't see the flaws of why Jonah was doing it.

"O-okay I'm sorry," Zach says guiding his eyes down toward his shoes as he walked with Jack to meet up with their blue eyed frien Daniel.

They reach his locker and Daniel is packing up. "Hey!" Daniel says looking at his freinds with a smile. He looks at Zach and his expression changes, his smile turning into a frown.

"Whats wrong Zach?" "Its Jonah, he has fallen for him." Zach shoots his head up to those words. "Have not! I just think he is a kind person! Oh did I mention he called me a cutie" Daniel and Jack roll their eyes.

"Jonah is bad news Zach you don't want to mess with a guy like him, he will ruin you like he did us..." Daniel says trying to hold back tears.

Zach brings his lower lip between his teeth and bites down hard. "I'm sorry I won't talk to him anymore." "Okay good, we just want to protect you Zach" Jack says bringing him close.

"Yeah, your like a brother to us." Zach smiles into their side hug. "Okay let go of me moms your embarrising me!" he says running out towards the school doors. The morning sun hits his face and he smiles brightly lifting his head up for more exposure.

He hears a honking noise and he sees his mom come out of a car. His expresion turns from happy to very sad. "Zachary car. Now." Zach listens to his mom and heads to the car. "Yes mom." he says and hops in the vehicle.

"Mom, I just wanted to hang out with my friends!" "Friends? You made friends that fast? Well who are they?" Myta looks over her son a bit more carefully.

"Zach where did you get this clothes..thats not what you came out of the house wearing." Zacvh doesn't know what to say. He forgot to change back Jack and Daniel distracted him. "Um, we had drama today and we were dressing up-" "You look like a girl. Why."

He could tell his mom did not by his story, but he really wanted to tell her that this was the type of outfit he wanted to wear and that this was the real him. "There weren't any other outfits left..." Myta softens her eyes as she sees her son look down into his hands.

"Okay I believe you. I just don't want people to think your gay or anything. Cause your straight okay?" he didn't understand the difference between straight or gay. He just nodded trying to get his mom off his back.

"Can I hang out with my friends though? Please?" Myta sighs. "Where are they?"

Zach points out the window toward the two boys looking at the car with sadness in their eyes. They really wanted to hang out with Zach.

"They seem like nice boys, fine I guess." Zach looks at her in astonishment. "Wait really?!" she nods smiling. "Holy! Thank you so much!" he says kissing his mom on the cheek and exiting the car.

He runs up towards Daniel and jack and tells them the news. The boys go down to the car to thank Zach's mom as well. "Your welcome, go have fun. But Zach, curfew at 8" Zach cringes a bit.

No normal highschool teens curfew is at 8 plus its actually at 7:30 for him. His mom probably changed it because he is hanging out with his friends rather than just wondering around town. Zach's mom, Myta, pulls off and out of the school parking lot heading home.

"Okay, let's go!" Jack says getting ready to walk. "Wait!" Zach says stopping Jack. "What?" "Can I um invite Jonah?" "Zach we just discussed th-" "Please! It will be fun!" Jack looks at Daniel wanting him to help him out.

"I think we should, I mean one day we are going to have to forgive him...plus Zach likes him," Daniel says resting his head on Zach's shoulder. "Ugh fine where is he?" Jonah comes up behind Zach and wraps his hand around his waist startling him and Daniel.

"Sorry did I scare you?" Jonah says sounding all innocent. However, Jack knows his plan. He's known Jonah since the beginning yet he fell into his trap and he regrets his choice deeply.

They start to walk down the sidewalk and towards Jack's house. They go through streets on the crosswalks and make left and right turns on some blocks until they get to the curly haired boys home.


Idk, I feel like these filler chapters are long,

I'm just trying to lead up to a good part for bean to come in

don't worry next chapter Corbitch is here!

~ AJ

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