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Zach and Corbyn have gotten a lot closer since their last session. Zach has been all over Corbyn without even knowing it.

Well, it's not like Corbyn can complain. He enjoys the boy's company.

Corbyn is currently sitting in the library reading one of his favorite books, Of Mice and Men. "Corbyn!" Zach says rushing into the library.

"Excuse you young man hush it!" The librarian says. "People are actually trying to work!" She says sucking her teeth.

"Sorry.." Zach says slowly walking over to Corbyn. He gets closer and his smile recovers. Corbyn closes his book and smiles back.

"What's up Bub?" Corbyn asks. Zach goes and sits on Corbyn's lap straddling him. The librarian eyes them disgustingly. "I don't need any of that in my library sit normally." She says sternly.

Zach listens sighing. He sits next to Corbyn but throwing his legs onto his lap. Corbyn chuckles at the boy.

"Okay so, we need to work on that project. I think it's due in three weeks. So we should get started." Zach says smiling.

"Yeah, that's smart-" Corbyn then remembers Jonah is in their group. He groans. "What?" Zach asks concerned for the boy, moving up closer to him.

Corbyn blushes a bit. "It's nothing don't worry bub," Corbyn replies. "Okay," Zach says shrugging with a cute smile.

Zach just stares at Corbyn for a second. "Wanna work on it with me tomorrow?" Zach asks breaking the silence.

"Yeah sure," Corbyn says trying to hide the annoyance of Jonah being there. "Okay cool!" Zach says swinging his legs off the boy.

"I'll see you later." He says rushing out the library. Corbyn just rolls his eyes jokingly at the boy. He was so adorable.

"What do you like about Zach." A voice says taking a seat in front of Corbyn. Corbyn shuts his book once more. "Um wh- Oh it's you," Corbyn says rolling his eyes.

"You really don't like me, why?" Jonah says chuckling. "Because you use people. I know  a lot of guys who act just like you." Corbyn says in a know-it-all tone. "Oh really?" Jonah says leaning forward.

"Yeah, all you want with Zach is for his ass. Did you know he actually has a personality with that as well?" Corbyn says getting to the point. "Obviously, he is super cute, kind, and really funny. He is like the boyfriend I wish I had-" Jonah stops for a moment.

He realizes he has never asked Zach out yet. "Yo, Besson." He says looking back to the boy. "What?" "Your best friends with Zach right?" Corbyn thinks for a second.

More like friends with benefits, he says thinking to himself. "Yeah, why?" "Well, I wanna ask him to be my boyfriend. I mean we've gone on dates and I am taking him to one tomorrow, so why not just call him mine. You know?"

Corbyn's heart stopped. He was not happy. He had to play it off though, which was the hardest part. "Yeah, I get that. What do you want me for?" Corbyn asks. "Well, tell me about him. What he likes, his interests his kinks?" Jonah says emphasizing on 'kinks.'

"Just kidding for the last one," Jonah says laughing. "Haha...so funny. Um, but I don't really know that much about-" "I'll pay you," Jonah says sternly. "What do you mean you pay me? I don't want your-" "So its a deal? Cool! Thanks, man!"

Jonah says getting up from the chair. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a 100. He passes it to Corbyn "I really owe ya one." Jonah says patting the boy on the shoulder before leaving the ever so silent library.

"What just happened..." Corbyn says looking down at the 100.


"So he paid you to tell more about Zach?" Jack asks shutting his locker. "Yeah! I didn't even ask for the money!" Corbyn says now slamming his head down into a locker. "See, you should've asked him out when I told you too."

Jack says rolling his eyes. "Fuck off, I already know what he would say, 'I like you as a friend,' yea I'd rather get rejected than friend zoned," Corbyn says walking off.

"I guess that's true, but you should give the money back," Jack says running up to his side. "Yeah obviously, you think I would keep this?" Corbyn says waving it in the air.

Jack lowers his hand. "I would put that away if I were you. I mean we go to a sketchy ass school." Corbyn nods understanding. "True, sorry." "Okay well, maybe you just talk to Zach about himself and you can get to know him better. Just don't tell Jonah and you should be fine."

"Okay, how should I start the conversation?" "Just like you would regularly talk to him. Then just subtly ask him questions more about himself. Like his dream guy, dream date, dream prom proposal..." Jack says listing things.

"That's actually not a horrible idea!" Corbyn says screaming a bit. "Dang, chill. Go try it I guess." Jack says shoving his friend away. Corbyn speed walks around the school looking for Zach.

Corbyn sees the boy talking with a teacher. He waits at the door for a second for their conversation to finish. Zach rolls his eyes at the teacher saying goodbye, he locks eyes with Corbyn and he automatically smiles.

"Hey!" Zach says jumping in front of him. "Hey Zachy, wanna walk with me?" Corbyn asks subtly. "Yea," Zach answers nodding. Zach goes beside Corbyn and they both walk towards the exit of the school.

"So," Corbyn says walking down to the football field. "How's life going-" "Just ask me what you wanted to ask," Zach says gigging. Corbyn sighs, "Well, what would you want a guy to do for you...?" Corbyn asks a bit nervous.

"Like to ask me out..." Zach says blushing a bit. 'Is Corbyn going to ask me out?!' Zach says to himself anxiously. "Well, I guess," Corbyn says sitting down on the field.

Zach takes a seat down with him. "Um, well huge gestures kinda scare me a bit. They are cute, but if it's in front of a crowd of people I start to feel sick. I guess if someone wants to ask me out," Zach says looking at Corbyn.

"They should just go ahead and do it. Nothing attached just 'Wanna go out with me?'" Zach says to Corbyn as if he was suggesting him to do that. Corbyn didn't catch on though. "Oh, so small things," Corbyn says looking out toward the field once more.

"I guess..." Zach says sighing. They hear a rattling coming from the intercom. Corbyn stands up, "Well, time to go back to class." Corbyn says reaching for Zach's hand to grab.

Zach takes it, but them suddenly having an idea. He drags Corbyn down with him. They roll down the small hill a bit. "Ow..." Zach says laughing through the pain.

"Shit! Zach, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?!" Corbyn says crawling over to the boy. "I'm fine," Zach says giggling. His plan didn't work like in the movies. Corbyn gets on top of the boy straddling him.

He puts his hands to his face turning it left and right. "You sure," Corbyn says nervously. He never wanted to see the boy hurt, especially when it was his fault. So he thought. "Corbyn, I'm fine," Zach says laughing putting his hand on top of Corbyn's.

"You sure?" Corbyn says once more. "Yes!" Zach says. "Fine," Corbyn says getting off the boy. "Wait!" Zach says pulling him back on. Corbyn blushes now realizing the position they are in. "Why do you care about me so much?" Zach asks staring into the blonde's eyes.

"Well, cause you mean a lot to me, Zach," Corbyn says looking from the boy's eyes and accidentally to his lips. Zach notices though. Zach leans up a bit while Corbyn leans down.


This is frickn' ugly!!!

Okay, but I'm gonna need you guys to vote on a book choice,

so the next update is not an update! Don't get tricked!

~ AJ

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