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"Hey Zach?" Corbyn saks leaning back in his chair. "Mhm," Zach says as he copies down more notes from the board. "What do you like so much about Jonah?" Corbyn says rolling his eyes when saying his name.

"Why?" Zach says looking up. "Nothing, it just seems like he isn't the right guy for you-" "Who is the right guy for me Corbyn." Zach says getting a bit mad. "I didn't mean it like in a rude way I just mean't like, you deserve someone who actually comes to class on time."

Corbyn says eyeing Jonah's empty chair. Zach looks over in his direction. "I like that side of him. The fact that he doesn't give a fuck is hot." Corbyn goes wide eyed at his response. "So your into bad boys?" Corbyn says sitting up in his chair.

"I guess," Zach says shrugging. "Would you be into a guy like..I don't know me?" Corbyn says biting his lip playing with his pencil. "Um, I don't know, I like you as a friend." Zach says smiling at the boy.

Corbyn feels a pang in his heart. 'Just got friend zoned...nice'  he says to himself. "That's cool.." Corbyn says sighing. 

Corbyn now realizes a familiar curly haired boy is missing. "Have you seen Jack?" Corbyn asks looking around. "He said he needed to do something. I don't remember what though. Something to do with Daniel I think?"

Zach says not caring. 'That sly little shit'  Corbyn says to himself smirking. The classroom door opens and Jonah walks in to take a seat.

"You will never be early or on time to my class will you Marais?" Mr. Dolan asks the boy. "Yeah, prettymuch." Jonah says looking back at Zach smirking.

Zach just blushes and smiles. Corbyn scoffs and rolls his eyes at the two. "If you like him so much just date already." Corbyn mumbles to himself.

To be honest he should take his own advice though.

"Okay now that I have everyone  here." Mr. Dolan says eyeing Jonah. "You all will be doing an assignment, it will be on-" the door opens again and Jack walks in, Daniel following.

"Hello boys, glad to see you as well, finally come to my class." Mr. Dolan says raising an eyebrow. "Yea, um sorry. Won't happen again." Jack says scurrying over to sit by Corbyn limping a bit. "Yeah sorry," Daniel says doing the same, but behind Jack.

"Now that everyone is actually here!" Mr. Dolan says raising his voice. "You all will be given an assignement in groups. You will be getting to know one another more. The principal and I both agree that some of you treat each other with disresepect. We think the cause of this may be because you don't know one another." Mr. Dolan says starting to write parrings on the board.

Corbyn raises his hand. "Yes Besson?" Corbyn stands up. "Well, in my own opinion," Corbyn says leaning over his desk restng his hands on the table. "I think we all are jerks to one another because we think we are better than everyone, and that we can do whatever we want, and with anyone we want." Corbyn says glaring at Jonah.

Jonah pays no mind though he just laughs to his buddies and sometimes eyeing Zach up and down. "Thats a true point, now take a seat-" "I just think that people like that shouldn't get what they want, especially if its someone super kind, cute, and not to mention with a good personality." Corbyn says raising his voice in Jonah's direction.

Jonah now starts to pay attention. He looks at the standing blonde and narrows his eyes. "Okay I'm done now." Corbyn says sitting down proping his feet up on the table. "What was that all about?" Jack whispers to Corbyn.

"Nothing, just wanted to get that out of my system." Corbyn says crossing his arms. "Mhm, were you maybe talking about a specific guy that goes by the name of Zac-" "No, his name is Bob." Corbyn says glaring at the boy.

"Does Bob look like Zach?" "No, Bob looks like Bob. Plus, I wouldn't be talking," Corbyn says smirking. "Why do you say that?" Jack asks moving in his chair a bit. "You know what I'm talking about," Corbyn says glancing at Daniel.

"Nope, no clue." Jack says shrugging holding back the truth. "So you didn't fuck him?" Corbyn says furrowing his eyebrows. "Nope." Jack says biting his tounge. "Oh! Yeah! Daniel! Oh fuck yea! Ugh right th-" "Corbyn I will fucking end you!" Jack says covering the boy's mouth.

"Plus, I'm a bottom so-" "You are!? I swore you were a top," Corbyn says surprised. "Fuck off. Your probably a bottom too." Jack says blushing from embarresment. "Nah, I like to walk thanks." Corbyn says chuckling.

"Yeah me too, but its more fun." Jack says smiling. He looks back and Daniel and Daniel does the same. Both turning away blushing extremly. "You should just ask Zach out, what could happen." "He said Jonah was hot and he friend zoned me. I'm good."

Corbyn said trying to not show any hurt. "We should just be friends anyway, being more than that will just complicate things." Jack nods. "Okay whatever you say, but when you get hurt I told you to try." Jack says patting his back.

Corbyn looks over at Zach and how focussed he is in his work. "Okay! Look on the board at your parrings! Class dissmissed!" The bell rings and everyone gets up rushing to the board.

Corbyn skims over the board looking for his name. He sees him and Zach together and his face brights up. Until he sees a third name.

'Jonah Marais'

Corbyn feels someone shove him out of the way. He looks and sees Jonah walking over to Zach. Jonah glares at Corbyn. "If you want to fight. Just say when and where. I'm down." Jonah says spitting at his feet.

Jonah walks over to Zach who is smiling. Jonah turns him around. "Guess what," Zach says trying to hold back his excitment. "What?" Jonah asks looking down at the boy.

"We are partners!" Zach says squealing a bit. "Someones excited." Jonah says laughing. "What?! Me? No." Zach says laughing. "Your really cute you know that." Jonah says moving the boy closer.

"So I've been told..." Zach says softly before the two connect their lips. "Zach." Corbyn says tapping the boy who is now making out with his enemy. "Zach." Corbyn says again trying to gte the boy's attention. Zach hums in response, against Jonah's lips.

Why isn't that me?

"I'm your partner too! Cool right!" Corbyn says smiling holding his hands out maybe for a hug or some sort of emotion showing the boy is happy with him too. Zach pulls away panting. "Oh..Cool." He says out of breathe smiling.

Why did that seem fake?

"Okay lets go," Jonah says dragging the boy out the classroom. "Okay," Zach says giggling following along.

Why does it hurt so bad to see someone go?


This is shit.

Just like me : ).

I am currently sick and dying so expect updates cause I have nothing else better to do : ).

Hope you are having a better day than me <3

~ *+* AJ *+*

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