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Its been a couple of months now since Zach and Jonah have gotten together, while I'm here lying in bed in fucking agony.

I thought he liked me, but I guess I was EXTREMELY wrong, cause he chose the jock over me. "Corbyn, you gotta get up dude," Jack says nudging Corbyn trying to get him out the bed.

"Oh god, what is that smell?" Jack says making a gagging noise. "When was the last time you took a shower?" Corbyn doesn't say anything, he just lies there lifeless. "Corbyn, fucking listen to me," Jack says now picking up a pillow from under the boy's head.

Corbyn groans as he plops his head back down. "Get. The. Fuck. Up!" Jack says after each word hitting the boy upside the head. Jack sighs.

"I know you're upset, but to be honest I don't think they are gonna last very long," Jack says sitting down on the edge of the bed. "It doesn't matter at this point, we were never gonna work..." Corbyn mumbles through his one pillow.

"Nothings gonna change until you do something about it," Jack says. Corbyn just lays there not carrying. He has tried, tons of times. Nothing works.

He was just a sex tool for him.

"Jack is he up yet-" Daniel says walking in, the rancid smell hitting his face. "Oh hell no, I'm waiting in the car." He says rushing out of the doorway. Jack chuckles at him, Corbyn slightly laughing as well.

"Just get up and come to school with us. Pleaseeee." Jack says begging him. "Ughh fine. But if I see any PDA from those two, I'm going back home. Got it?" He says lifting his head up slowly, his eyes still shut.

"I can't promise that, but works for me!" Jack throws the covers off the bed. Corbyn shivering as the air hits his bare chest. 

"Please take a shower and meet us downstairs," Jack says heading for the door. Corbyn rolls his eyes. "And I mean actually using the soap, not just having the water go over you," Jack says in a stern tone.

"What are you, my mom?" Corbyn says jokingly. "I will be if you don't do what I ask you little shit." Corbyn gasps and puts his hand on his chest dramatically. "Yeah, I used those words."

Jack heads downstairs and Corbyn heads for the bathroom. He turns on the faucet quickly wanting to wash his face. He looks at himself in the mirror. 

"You can do better than him," Corbyn says. Smiling at himself.

A memory of Zach pops into his head and he bangs his head down on the faucet.

"Like hell, you can do better than that angel," Corbyn says whining in pain and sorrow.

Corbyn still doesn't understand why Zach is completely ignoring him and scowling his way. Corbyn did nothing to the boy, in reality, Corbyn should be acting this way towards the brunette.

But, he is truly and hopelessly in love with him.


-When Corbyn left that night-

"Corbyn wait!" Zach says getting up off of Jonah and rushing out the door. He flies through the front door and stands there on his porch, panting from the loss of air. Hands on his knees, his fingers clutching his pants tight.

He stands up straight and looks down the street and up, hopefully seeing a glimpse of the blonde. Yet, he had no idea which way the boy went.

"Zach!" Zach hears Jonah say, but he just ignores him completely. His only priority was Corbyn. Corbyn Besson.

Zach walks down the stairs of his porch and makes a guess on which way he should go. He chooses right since it's his 'lucky side.'

"Zach wait!"  he hears Jonah call out once more. He just keeps walking. He needs to find Corbyn and tell him how he truly feels.

He doesn't truly love Jonah, I mean who taught him to love in the first place? Corbyn.

"Zach I need to tell you something!" Jonah says grabbing ahold of the boy's wrist. 

"Jonah I need to go, I can't right now," Zach says pulling his arm away from the boy. He continues to keep walking.

Jonah nervously bites his lip before he opens his mouth once more. 

"He's using you!" Jonah says without thinking. He knows this may not be true, but Eben told him. Plus, Eben was his friend. He wouldn't tell him false information..right?

"What?" Zach says slowly turning around. "No, he isn't. For all, I know you're using me. I'm not an object Jonah." Zach replies back fiercely. Jonah is a bit taken back by his words.

Does Zach not know how much he truly cares for him?

"Yes, he is honest! He may seem nice and all, but he hides his true self. Trust me, I wouldn't be telling you this unless I really care about you." Jonah says now looking down to his feet.

He really needs Zach to be his, so..he does something he will truly regret.

"When you're not around, he always talks about how he's gonna smash your ass one day. Why else would he help you with your sex life, unless he wanted something in return?"

Jonah says now looking at Zach. Zach just thinks for a moment. He knows Corbyn wouldn't talk about him like that. Why would he say such things..?

"No he wouldn't your lying.." Zach says slightly doubting his own self. 

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