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a letter from persephone, goddess of spring, to her mother demeter, goddess of agriculture.

mother dearest,

didn't you know?
my fingers weaved the dirt
like fine tapestries
i created the pit
and likewise dove into it

do not believe the lies they tell
he didn't steal me
i stole him

didn't you know?
his kingdom was dark
yet filled with light
and it was cold
yet filled with warmth

didn't you know?
i met him as he watched over his realm
a solemn look on his face

his name spoken in fearful whispers
but danced on my tongue
a name filled with sin and temptation
a name which would have mine next to it

didn't you know?
we were wrapped in love
a ghostly, unbreakable love
hades and persephone
my name next to his
our stories now bound together
by the Fates themselves

didn't you know?
i became his queen
wrapped in fine silks
and adorned in jewelry
the crown was heavy, yes
but my head held it high

didn't you know?
i ate the pomegranate
the juice flowing from my lips
sealing me to him
not the other way around

didn't you know?
they do not call me kore
"little girl"
they call me persephone
"chaos bringer"
my name is spoken in hushed whispers
people beg for mercy at the sound of my name

didn't you know?
i loved the way sin pooled in my mouth
and it's bitter taste as i swallowed it down
this body was made for more
than flowers and frolicking
it was made for sin
and to rule at
hades' side

love, persephone
queen of the underworld

love, persephonequeen of the underworld

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