filler (2)

59 17 12

there's rips and tears in the fabric of your soul, and they bleed stars and galaxies which enter this world. something beautiful, they said, something wonderful. something painful, you said, something vital. these rips and tears are ugly yet beautiful, and they leak a little more beautiful into this dreary world.

a little something to pass the time as it ticks and tocks by, uncontrollable by even the strongest of bridles.

hey stars! so I'd like to make a couple quick announcements. "pluto" won first place in the poetry and nomination sections of the Winter Dusk Awards! it also received a perfect score from the judge of poetry. also, I was surprised when I woke up and checked and saw that "pluto" now has 1k reads and is #30 in hopes! thank you all so, so much for your support, I seriously couldn't do this without y'all.

 also, I was surprised when I woke up and checked and saw that "pluto" now has 1k reads and is #30 in hopes! thank you all so, so much for your support, I seriously couldn't do this without y'all

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