period (1)

51 13 4

do not ask a girl
"are you on your period?"
if she's mad at you
as if the only explaination
for our anger spilling out
are the hormones coursing
through our weary veins

maybe she carries the anger of her mother
like the way she carries herself, shoulders back
chin straight, eyes forward, even stride
perhaps today you unlocked that storage of anger

maybe the quick mindedness of her father
has followed her now, and she doesn't think
before spitting vile curses as a reprisal
watching you burn down from the flames

perhaps her day is not okay like usual
and the pent-up sadness radiates as anger
or you've crossed a line and now she realized
she had had enough of you and all your games

so i tell you, young lad
do not ever ask a girl
"are you on your period?"
when she gets mad

because a hormonal cycle
she goes through constantly
shouldn't be the only reason
she is "allowed" to express herself

without a filter

hi! i'm back lol, i haven't been having any ideas for poems before i got to this

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hi! i'm back lol, i haven't been having any ideas for poems before i got to this. there will be another poem named period after this, except it will be dealing with a completely different topic than this chapter!

hope you all had a happy holiday season and near year!!


(debating on whether i would like to change
this pen name, but i am in dire need of ideas)

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