*mollys moms perspecitve*
I woke up in a hospital bed. Tubes connected to me. I could only open one eye. The other one was too swollen. The heart beat moniter beeping in the back ground. I didn't see my little girl anymore. Where was she.
"Nurse nurse!" I started panicking. A cold sweat forming on my hands as I gripped the sides of the hospital bed. Beeds of sweat forming on my forehead as well. A nurse dressed in purple scrubs ran in.
"What's wrong!" She came to my side checking all the medicine and stuff.
"Where's my daughter?"
"We don't know honey, they're looking for her."
"I-I need to get out of here my daughter it's my fault I didn't protect her." I started getting up trying to rip the tubes out of my skin.
"Whoah settle down!" I was in panick she started screaming help help! Then a few other nurses came in and one stuck a needle in my neck. I whimpered in pain then fell on the bed. Parolized then blacked out.
I awoke in the same settings that I did last time. Only this time there was a hand. I looked up and saw Dominique. Dominique was Molly's friend, they grew to be more like sisters, I had never really took a liking to her and always told Molly mean things I thought about her. She held my hand and was looking at the wall with tears in her eyes.
The silence was unbareable. She broke it though, she was always happy and confident now she just looked broken. Puffy red eyes, shaking hands, and fear filled blood shot eyes. Just adding to the puffiness.
"He has her..." She started sobbing. My eyes grew wide. It's my fault... I need to find her... She's my daughter!
"W-what?" I studdered out. She gripped my arm and gave me a weak smile.
"We will find her."
"It's my fault." I started sobbing
"What do you mean?"
"I at home waiting for her. She hadn't come home and I got a call thinking it was her I automatically answered. I heard breathing deep and scary. I had said hello? And they said they where watching me. I had ran upstairs and tried to lock the door. I knew it was him from his voice. I soon heard glass shatter and thudding up the stairs. The door banged four times before it fell. He stood there... Black all dark I couldn't see his face but I knew it was him. He had his hair grown out. His big hands where clenched at the side. Light came from the window lighting the wooden boards that was our floor. I was shaking. What he had done to Molly was crazy. Mad he was insane. I needed to get away. I ran towards the door but he bolted towards me and grabbed my arm. His grip was cold. Just like his heart. He pulled me to his chest I whimpered. He muttered whore in my ear and pushed me. I stumbled and fell on the floor. I tried to crawl to the window but he grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me back. It was werid me as a grown woman, being pushed around by a man only eleven years older then me. He beat me. His fist flying to my stomach, face, legs, arms anything he could get his hands on. It hurt but it soon just went numb. I looked into his eyes. They where cold. I thought I saw a little pleasure in his eyes. Then he hit me one last time and it went dark." I looked at Dominique the tears where now streaming down my face and my knuckles where white from gripping her hand.
"Sorry." I let go of her hand and wiped my tears away.
"It's okay." She hugged me and I just smiled. We chatted a while about where she could be. Worry sat in the pit of my stomach and felt like I was gonna puke. Like when you have the feeling of puking in the bottom of your stomach and then a cold clammy sweat slowly spreads over your hand and you feel the small hairs on your body slowly rise. That's what I felt like. I can't believe my baby girl was with him!

A dream hidden behind a sweat shirt
RomanceMolly a seventeen year old girl has been abused for the seven years that her father was in their lives. When memory's come flooding back what helps her?