*timothys prospective*
I awoke in the grey lite of the hospital. Again for twice in my life I was surprised I awoke. I would have thought I had died. It made sense. After all the trouble I had went through to make sure she was safe. That I would die. It felt like my purpose to be here. To keep her safe. Like I was her gardian angel and now that I did my job it was my time to go. It would be better if I left. Wouldn't be holding her down for decision making. To chose between me or jasper. That thought scared me most of all. I didn't want to lose her.
I sat up in the bed. The white and blue poka doted hospital gown flowing around my body. My legs where under the sheet but bare. The television was blank and the window was open letting warm rays of sunshine flow in. My heart beat tiny beats in the back ground. The noise was soothing from how many times I'd been in a hospital. People had just started saying I was a clutz. They'd call me it behind my back at the hospital but it didn't bother me. They didn't know I was making excuses. I guess if I was in there spot I'd think the same. I pushed the red button signaling the nurse. It was a man that walked in. In blue scrubs and a smile on his face. He looked to be in college maybe graduated but only a little while ago. He nodded his head at my charts.
"Well you where stabbed in the side, it didn't hit he bone infact it was just behind your hip bone. We stitched up your hip. Your shin the knife hit. It had cracked and chipped your bone. We did surgery you have a few staples in and will be in hospital car for at least a week." I now felt the cast sourounding my leg. I nodded my head and gulped.
"How is everyone else? Are they hurt?" I asked still cautious about everything that happened.
"Well Molly is still out a few blows to the face but nothing to serious. She had a concision before this all happened and now it added to that so there is small brain tramma. Other than that she is fine and Andrew is just in shock." I nodded my head.
"There are some police officers that have been waiting for you guys to wake up do you mind answering a few questions?" I shook my head he gave me a small smile and left the room.
I say there and waited. My fingers fumbled with the bedding. The door creaked open and I looked up and saw two men walk in. One was tall and quite lean. He had a crew cut and a wedding band wrapped around his ring finger. He had brown eyes and had a small smile playing on his lips. The other man was about a foot shorter then the tall man. He had brown hair with blonde streaks which hair flipped to the side. He looked young and wasn't married. He had blue eyes and a big smile.
"Hello young man." The tall officer came to my side and shook my hand.
The other one was sitting down looking at me.
"H-hello." I croaked out.
"I am officer Nico and this is my deputy officer Cali." I smiled at both of them.
"I'm Timothy porter." He nodded his head.
"We know this, now do you mind if we ask you a few questions?" I shook my head
"Did you know the man that attacked?" He went and sat down in those uncomfortable hospital chairs that always feel harsh on your skin.
"No but I will assume it was Molly's father..." I was still wary of them.
"Did you know of Molly's father, had you heard of him before?"
"Molly had told me about him. Said that he had done stuff against her will when she was young and just escaped prision and came after her and she just got away." He jotted this down in his notebook
"Do you know why he attacked?"
"I'm assuming to come after Molly."
"Your own father... He abused you didn't he?" Nico asked cautiously
I nodded my head."for thirteen years."
"Hmm okay well your safe now I hope you get well thank you for letting us pester you." Nico and Cali smiled at me and left. I was ready to go find Molly. Unfortunately for me I couldn't move because I was stabbed and had a cast and stitches and I might 'rip my stitches' I rolled my eyes at the thought. Thinking all of a sudden I was thirsty I leaned over to look for some water. I reached for the cup but it was too far. I laid back with a huff and closed my eyes. I laid there for about thirty seconds until Boredom consumed me. I opened my eyes and looked around the room. Warm ness seemed to engulf my side but i didn't think much of it. Just that it was probably the rays of sunshine smothering my side. I was really tired for some reason even though I just woke up. Drousyness swarmed around me. I don't even know why I was so drousy. Maybe it was the medication. My vision was going in and out. I pushed the red hospital button just as I lost consciousness.I woke up in a big room. I took in my souroundings like always. The light was brighter than before indicating it must be noon. My heart moniter was still there. I had decided to name his George he seemed to always be there. I smiled at my thoughts. My eyes found a place they wanted to stay and I chuckled. Molly was laying next to me. But not on the bed. No she was next to the bed. She had sprawled out on two chairs. A thin spongebob blanket was spread across her. Her black hair was sticking up every which way and she had a little bit of drool coming out from her mouth. Surprisingly it didn't make me shutter at how diffrent she looked instead it made me laugh. She looked like a normal teenager. Her eyes wherent hiding behind lies. Instead they where hiding behind eyelids. She had two black eyes but that was about it besides the scab across her nose and busted up lip. Only one eye was swollen. Her eye lashes like always laid on her beautiful cheek bones. She did light snores and it was beautiful.
But I did want to talk to her. I looked around the room for something to grow at her. But I was distracted. I looked down at my side where I had been stabbed to find it all red and stitched back up. It was uncovered and looked like it didn't want to be covered. The only thing hiding the rest if me was a thin hospital sheet and a hospital gown covering my chest and other half of my body. I sighed and ran my hands threw my hair dragging them down my face. When I looked over Molly was stirring. She sat up and looked at me. I gave a kind smile and she wiped the drool from her face and rubbed her eyes.
"Hiya!" She said to me. Finally she was talking to me. It was like nine of that ever happened.
But being stupid me I brought it back up...
"Hey sorry for kissing you without permission..." Looked away and she smiled I could see it out of the corner of my eye.
"It's alright. Where all okay now."
"Yeah beside knife wounds." I chuckled. She looked shock but then it clouded over with confusion.
"Oh your um father.. He pulled a knife on me and I got stabbed a bit." Concern crossed over her face but then it went blank. She chuckled a dark and bitter chuckle and her eyes turned metaphorically black.
"He isn't my father." She looked away.
"Sorry." I mumbled. Her expression softened and I felt my heart wrench for her. What she must be feeling at the moment. I'd put all my problems behind me and take hers anyday to save her the pain. I mean- snap out of it... She's taken. I sighed and ran my hands down my face again. I felt her soft touch on my shoulder but then it left. I looked up at her but she wasn't there. I looked around and saw her on the oppisite side looking at my side.
"Please don't look at it.." I mumbled. She nodded and headed back over to her seat.
"So how's jasper." I said a little to darkly for my liking. I didn't even know the kid but she didn't hear it and if she did then she ignored it.
"Still in a coma..." She looked away. And I thought I heard her sniffle.
"Hey don't cry. I'm sorry." I tried to reach for her but it hurt my side so I winced and backed down.
"Don't stress yourself... You don't get it. I dated him when I was thirteen we got in a car crash and he forgot all about me. He would have died but he only got in a coma... I guess comas are his thing." She chuckled a bit but it wasn't a happy one it was more sympathy.
"Anyways I moved on but was still in love with him, didn't know that I could love again. He came back and I loved him and he started to love me. Then you come into my life and I'm falling for you!" She searched my face with her eyes.
"And if he comes out of that coma how would it look for me to dump a kid that just got out if a coma and has had my heart for years? Not so good. I don't know what to do." She sighed and wrapped her arms around her then flicked off a few unwanted tears.
"Hey it'll be okay. I know I've prob messed up your life more than helped it but I'll just be fine with having you with me as a friend." I smiled at her and she returned it. I knew that it'd hurt me in the process but just to see her happy I'd manage. And that was the end of our converstation. I squeezed her hand one last time before I watched some television and went to sleep my mind full of Molly. She was everything to me now I didn't have anymore family or friends. She was all I had. And now we just have to wait until jasper woke up. And my joy would end.

A dream hidden behind a sweat shirt
Roman d'amourMolly a seventeen year old girl has been abused for the seven years that her father was in their lives. When memory's come flooding back what helps her?