Chapter fifty two

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*Timothy's prospective*

I left from the hospital sweat practically pouring down my face. As much as it scared me to go out there with what happened I forced myself to anyways. I didn't have a car but my house was only a little ways away anyways. When I was on the fourth block to my house it started to down pour. Just my luck. It poured down my face adding to my sweat. My hands still had a chilled sweat on them and my body shook with fear. I rehearsed what I would say to my father chanting it out loud.

Before I was ready I was looking down staring my green steps and at our ratted 'welcome' door Matt. I swiftly moved and opened the door closing it silently behind me. Tears rimmed my eyes but I had to stay strong. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of crying out in pain.

But of course no matter how silent I was my dad still heard me. He turned around in the leather brown recliner and looked at me through his narrow reading glasses squinting his eyes with his lips pursed. His blonde almost white hair matched with his pale skin and he looked calm... To calm.

"Where's your mother? How is she?" I choked back tears and my voice cracked when I started to talk.

"Sir... She died... I meant to call you but got caught up in the moment."

"She what?" He said through gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry sir." I locked eyes with the floor. I couldn't hear footsteps and I felt a sharp pain on the side of my head.

I winced but then stood still making eye contact with my dear old dad.

"How dare you!" He screamed at me. I could feel my face swell but I just searched his eyes for any compassion but like always I found non. Only pure hatrid towards me.

"Why do you hate me?"

I don't know where I got the sudden burst of courage but it didn't last long as in he had hit me.

He smirked when I backed down. Like a puppy that's down he just kept kicking it and kicking it trying to get more whimpers.

"I hate you because you look like her, you are to similar and you have an attitude plus it's your fault I was in this stupid marrige with that whore. Because your a stupid accident."

"I thought you loved her?" Stupid ceriousity... Didn't ceriousity kill the cat?

"It's called acting son." He smirked at me.

"And now that she's gone I don't have to hesitate to kill you." Before the last words left his mouth I was climbing up the wooden stairs, more like leaping.

I heard him curse under his breath and now he was close behind me. I knew this was a bad idea but I needed to get away.

I felt his cold grip latch onto my ankle and pull me down. My head hitting the stairs multipul times. My ribs and wrists along with the rest of my bones came in contact I heard several cracking noises but it was drowned out from the pain invaiding my body unwelcomed.

Once I got to the bottom I tried to get up wincing at every ounce of pain. He kicked me back down and I stayed down avoiding pain.

"Coward." He mumbled he shouted a few more words out but I blocked him out not wanting to hurt my self Esteam anymore than it has to be. I laid there and soon the world became blurry around me. My vision going in and out of a blackness state. My mind whirling around me and my body shaking slightly. Red went down my vision and soon I lost all consciousness.

A dream hidden behind a sweat shirtWhere stories live. Discover now