*timothys prospective*
"Well it all started when I was eight." She drew in but another shaky breath. I knew she could do it. So I smiled at her bracing myself for her past.
"My mum met this guy. He was like a dad. Till one day he fell in love with me. He stayed with my mom so he could be with me. I started to hate him. he'd take me into the room and touch me. I'd tell him no but he'd only go farther. It scared me and I never told because I knew that my mum would be devastated and I'd ruin her only love. So I didn't tell. Soon it was there wedding day. He told me to tell my mom otherwise he'd rape me. So I told her and he got arrested. I fell in love with a boy. Lost my virginity to him. There was a car crash on our anaversery and we were in it. He remembered everything except me. He just re entered my life. We started I guess dating. But before that I was in such misery that I used to cut and I now have scars. I tried to end my life. I had to go to the councler and now my dad is out of jail. He went and tried to find me. Almost killed me then he threatened my mum and my love so I went with him. He raped me and beat me. We were going out of the country and he got in a car crash I ran and didn't turn back. I was outside of a pub and a drunk man attacked me and raped me. I had blacked out and then when I woke I had started walking. I didn't know where I was going. so I just kept walking. I soon grew tired and went to an old barn to sleep. When I awoke from a nightmare a man had found me. He brought me in and that night I had left and called my mum told her I was alright and she was gonna send jasper after me. Well when I awoke the next morning the kind old man that I had seen earlier was replaced with a cruel man, he almost hit a little girl. I had faught him to the best of my ability and when I did he still beat me. I woke up in a strange cellar thing. Cassidy got me out and we ran away with the two little girls. Nala soon freaked out and fainted then went into a seizure we had Cassidy's I guess boyfriend drive us here and that's when I met you." She looked down at our hands interlocked together.
"Why isn't jasper here yet?"
"Well apparently he got in a car wreck coming to get me and got into a coma." She blinked back tears. I undid our hands and opened my arms. She nodded her head and crawled into bed next to me. I soothed her and rubbed her back as she cried. I knew that everything would be alright. I was here and was gonna fight to protect her. I prayed to god that he would help me and give me the strength.
The door swung open and in came an angry almost furious looking father. To whom I was the son too. His large finger pointed at me and his eyes where narrowed.

A dream hidden behind a sweat shirt
RomanceMolly a seventeen year old girl has been abused for the seven years that her father was in their lives. When memory's come flooding back what helps her?