*mollys prospective*
Today was the day. Timothy was getting his cast off and he was free to go home. As in my home. I had recently got out of the hospital myself. Just three days ago infact. I had applied for jobs and sent my resume almost everywhere! Cassidy was also looking for a job. We had become really close after all this time. We shared secrets and where almost inseparable. The little girls liked my mom and she enjoyed having little girls around the house again. Andrew and Cassidy had gotten closer too, the way they looked at each other was as if they'd loved each other for a very long time. I visited the hospital everyday. For one to visit Timothy and for another to see jasper. I usually only watched him from the window but at times I went in. His mother still hated me but had abided by stayin in the room. She just wouldn't look at me.
Today was a new heart warming day. I was going to be with Timothy to get his cast off and then we where gonna go around the park for a bit.
I had died my jet black hair back to the chestnut brown. It had grown out so that it was now a bob not a boy hair cut. It fitted me nicely.
Today I wore a white pincel skirt that I had found in my moms closet. Probably the last time it was worn was before I was born. Yet it fitted nicely and hugged all the right places. It was classy but not trashy. I had found a silver coin belt that hung loosely at my hips and wore a navy blue top that slid off one shoulder and ended at elbow length. It was gathered at the torso so it hugged my tiny curves slightly. A white head band had been placed in my hair along with white and navy blue striped earrings. I had on navy blue flats that had a gold chain around the toe. I tried to go for a bit professional yet laid back look because I was suppose to get a call on wether or not I had an interview today. Luckily for me I had taken college classes during highschool so I had a bit of experience.
My feet silently padded down the hallway the light shining down on the glistening marble floor. Every step I took made a jingling sound because of my belt.
I was entering the door of timothys room subconsciously. I had taken this rout so many times my body just seemed to know where to go. Once in I closed the door as silent as I could behind me incase he was sleeping. I was a tad but early because Andrew insisted to drop me off at that time because he had 'things to do' I don't know what things could be so important but I didn't stress over it.
Once turning around I was taken aback at how the doctor was already examining timothys leg. Timothy looked slightly annoyed like the doctor was taking to long. His expression read; "take the stupid thing off already." He tried to cover it up with nervousness. The doctor had bought it yet I didn't. He also looked highly excited. His knuckles clenched the bed turning them a slight shade of ivory white. When I smiled at him he gave me a tight smile and rolling of the eyes. His annoyance coming out. His true colors showing. I smiled and we seemed to comunicate with our eyes. Timothy had turned back around to the doctor who was still starring at his leg like it was had grown a head.
I was still fascinatingly staring at Timothy. I caught myself staring at his lips and I licked my own. Coincidence? I think not. I then fumbled with my fingers and my head snapped up at the noise of someone clearing there throat. The doctor and Timothy where starring at me. Both with wide knowing smirks of what I was just thinking about. I ignored Timothy and focused on the doctor.
"You guys look at each other like your madly in love." His voice croaked out. He was a short and stout guy. With a balding head and white hair that was padded down with gel at the sides. He had big ears and a big nose and glasses that rested on the tip of his nose. He had needy little eyes and gave off a bossy attitude.
I gave a slight chuckle.
"Were just friends." I glance inbetween the two of them.
"Yeah... Just friends." Timothy grumbles.
"Well anyways off that topic I'm no love doctor, but I am a health doctor. I see that I've misunderstood how it was healing. The cast has Started to slide around therefor rubbing on the stitches making it hard to heal. You'll have to be in here another two weeks. A month at the latest." He gave Timothy an apologetic smile. I looked at Timothy his jaw was nearly touching the ground.
His eyes turned dark. It's one of the first times that I've seen him angry. The doctor walked out and I went to hold his hand. He yanked it away the second our hands touched.
"Don't touch me. Friends don't hold hands. So until you figure out if jasper or me is right for you don't be paying any visits. I was planning on leaving anyways. Once I got this stupid thing off. Because I knew that you wouldn't want me." He glared at me.
How could he think I didn't want him? Of course I wanted him. It's just difficult when the guy you used to love isn't in there anymore... well emotionally. I mean if he woke up how would I tell him that I didn't love him? How would I tell him I've found someone else? I couldn't. I just couldn't.
I tried to touch his shoulder but he ripped it away. Tears welled up in my eyes and I wasn't sure why. I stumbled out of the room and thought about my life without Timothy. He was now my sunshine. I couldn't do it.
I walked down the empty hallways. In a detection I knew too well. I caused this. I caused all of this. People where in the hospital because of me.
When I stopped I gazed into a window that looked out on the life that was frozen still. Jasper's hospital room.
I caused this. I placed my hand on the cold glass. It was refreshing against my burning clammy hands. His still body moved up and down from his constant breaths. Tears streamed down my face. My nose becoming runny. My hair was caught in some of my tears. My heart thumped against my chest. Wanting, needing to get out. To stop being crushed and toyed with.
"Goodbye." I whispered to jasper even though he couldn't hear me. I turned around and slid down the wall. I hugged my knees and sobbed.
Foot steps approached me but I ignored them. The only thing that I could do was try to quiet my sobbing.
I looked up with I heard a scoff. I had looked up just in time to see the devils mistress roll her eyes.
"Oh please your so pathetic. I was so right that your just a slut. I've seen you playing around with that other boy. While my dear brother lies out cold in a coma from your stupid actions." I don't know what exactly snapped in my body. Yet I got an instant adrenaline rush. My confidence boosted about ten times the usual and I stood up. I fiercely wiped my tears.
"Have you went through my life? Have you had guilt eating you up inside? Have you been molested and beat before? Have you ever cared about anyone but your family? No why? Because your stuck up and snobby. You don't care you don't understand my life so don't judge it. I'm tired of you and your mom walking around like you own everything and that I'm such a horrible person! And as for Timothy, it's not my fault jasper came and went looking for me! He is the one that got in the crash. I am not saying it's his fault but it isn't mine either! Our love isn't there anymore it's been replaced by Timothy and I love him!" I shouted in her face. She shrunk back at first but then stuck her nose in the air crossed her arms in a huff and walked away. I muttered a whatever and realized what I had just said.
I said I loved him. It just came out. It rolled off my tongue like I've said it a million times. I gulped blinking back the tears that had sneakily came up to the surface.
I loved him

A dream hidden behind a sweat shirt
RomanceMolly a seventeen year old girl has been abused for the seven years that her father was in their lives. When memory's come flooding back what helps her?