*timothys prospective*
I don't know what's wrong with me. Why I kissed her. I don't know why I felt I had an urge to have her as all mine, I didn't want to share her. Yet it was impossible for me to be able to have her when she was someone else's. This felt like an affair in the movies. I knew what it was like when someone found out they'd been cheated on. My father used to come home late at night and admitt that he was cheating. My mom would lock herself in the bathroom and cry. She used to look so broken. Something that I couldn't fix I felt so helpless. And now I was wanting to have her but she owned to someone else. It felt like I was making her cheat. Yet it broke my heart when she didn't kiss me back and then wrenched her arm from my grip. It broke my heart when she stormed out of the room and wouldn't come back. It broke my heart that she wouldn't make eye contact or even talk to me.
When I got out of the hospital we had climbed into a big red shining truck. The engine roared to life and we were off. The sun was setting. It's beautiful rays of sunshine floating down to the earth and sourounding the clouds. It looked magical. I went to look at Molly to see if she was watching it and when I did she was sleeping. Her head had fallen on my shoulder and I hadn't even felt it. Her black short hair sourrounded her face. Her golden eyelashes fell on her rosemary cheeks. The sun belted out it's rays on her pale face making it look sun kissed. I traced a finger down her face and rested it below her chin. I smiled to myself at how well we fit together. A small voice rang in the back of my mind.
'Just so your aware she will never like you. Your acting like a wuss. Your just a little girl. All emotional and annoying' it hissed at me. And for some reason that little voice was imitating my father. He was always gonna be stuck in my head telling me what to do. I'd never get him out of my head. It wasn't possible.
I looked back down at Molly and grabbed her petite hand. I took it in mine studying it. Dirt and dry blood caked under her fingernails yet they still looked somewhat beautiful. Just like her. Although I'm not sure how fingers look beautiful but hers did.
I brought her hand up to my lips and kissed each knuckle. She stirred in her sleep and I dropped her hand. Looking away I sighed.
When she finally woke up it was like a relief to see her beautiful green eyes.
"Was my shoulder comfy?" I asked it came out harsh.
"My shoulder. Was it comfy? You where sleeping on it the whole way here." Was my snarky response.
She blushed and I smirked and looked away. I knew she wanted to say something back but didn't know what to say.
We entered Tacoma and she gave him directions. We ended up finally coming to her house. She led herself into a old house. The outside had paint peeling and was yellowing at spots. It had a green porch swing and dead flowers on the sides of the porch. A ratted welcome mat much like my own at my house stood Infront of the green door. A black chipped mailbox clung to the outside wall and the windows where covered by a maroon curtain. It looked like a home and comfy. Yet at the same time it looked dark and full of secrets.
We walked in and she turned the light on. There was a couch to the left of us. Old movies where piled up under the stair case above he living room. a ratted blanket laid on the couch and floral wallpaper was sourounding the walls. A dining room/kitchen was to the right and there was a hallway behind that. We walked up the stairs and down a hallway Molly showing the other people to there rooms. The small raven haired girl was in Molly's arms. Still sound asleep.
It was us... Alone. I needed to confess my feelings. So I did. I told her right then what I felt. I was just about to kiss her when the door flung open.
Startled I stepped back but he saw everything. He looked familiar. Too familiar. Cassidy and Andrew stepped out following a sleepy child. Cassidy scooped up the raven girl in her hands and the man started walking to Molly. He was insulting her and she was shooting back at him. Her eyes where paralyzed in terror and she inched forward but it was barely noticable. I saw confidence replace the fear in her eyes I smiled at how strong she was. She stepped up to him and went to slap him. But he caught her hand mid air and punched her in the face. Andrew handed my a phone with nine one one already on the line and I started telling them things. I had Andrew repeat the address. The girls besides Molly where locked in the room. When I turned around after ending the call I saw Molly slumber into a limp ball on the floor. Blood streaming out of her mouth and nose. This infuriated me. I had been in that position before and I hated seeing people suffer because of low life scums like himself. He was coming at me but I turned when he charged at me and hit him behind the head. He stumbled forward caught off gaurd by my sudden movement and rammed right into Andrews awaiting fist. He slumped to the floor and I went to kick him. He grabbed my foot and pulled. I fell onto my bum and his hand came in contact with my jaw. It didn't really faze me though. I've had this torment my entire life. I bent my leg and my knee hit his already bleeding nose. My pant leg was soaked in blood and it made me want to puke. He finally got up and Andrew was just staring at us completely in shock. The man grabbed me by my caller and threw me into the wall beside Molly. I had the wind knocked out of me so I sat there regaining my breath for a while. I looked up just in time to see the mans fist knock back Andrews head wht a blow and he was out. So much for help I thought. I got up with the help of the wall and charged at him. Not realizing that he had pulled out a knife. I jumped on his back and he cut my shin open. It stung like crazy but it didn't stop me. I was just down to three and a half usable limbs. I put my hands up to his throat and choked him not letting go as he squirmed around. His face was turning red and he moved the knife around looking for flesh to cut into. He fell to the ground with him ontop of me. His back mushed into my stomach. The knife went and stabbed into my hip. I cried out in pain and he got up. I was unable to move. The knife still embedded in my flesh and everytime I squirmed or tried to get up the blade would inch in farther. I tried to stay still but he put his boot on my throat. I knew I had to do this. I took hold of the handle and inched the knife out. My oxegyn supply getting low as he stepped harder. The burning in my hip went throughout my body and the pain was like my hip being thrown into a fire. I had completely forgot about the cut on my shin. I counted to three in my head.
'One... Two... Three...' I pulled with all my might and the blade slipped out. I could feel the warm blood ooze out of the cut and down my side. The opening of the cut was burning but I ignored it. I brought the blade up and stabbed him in the leg. Bringing it back out I stabbed him again. This time shoving it as far in as it could go. He stumbled back and fell against a wall. I laid still because my hip and shin burned. My bloodied face and sore bruised back fell against the floor as I heaved in breaths of air.
The door opened and in came three police officers. I looked at them and they held up there gun to me. I shook my head and pointed to the man with the knife that I pushed into his leg. The too of the blade barely coming out of the other side.
Cassidy knocked on the door and yelled my name. My head fell back knocking on the hard wooden floor. The man had pulled a new knife out from who knows where and was inching closer to me. I knew I'd be fine and if I didn't then Molly would have jasper. She'd be safe. I faught this fight and it could be my last. He rose the knife over my heaving body right over my thumbing heart and went to thrust down but a gun went off. I closed my eyes tight waiting for my heart to get punctured. But it never did. I still laid there breathing in freash new air. I opened my eyes to see a police officer running up the stairs and the man sitting down the wall supporting him. He wasn't breathing and had a bullet hole through his head. Blood splattered on the wall from him and blood pooled out of his mouth. He was dead. And I was getting light headed from blood loss. My vision going in and out with the rhythm of my heart beat. I close my eyes because I was getting a headache. I knew we'd end up back in a hospital. But that was our life story wasn't it? Just in a hospital. Living with pain. My hearing went in and out as well I felt hands on my body I winced when they pushed down on my hip and shin. Why they would do that I'm not sure. But now it was my time to sleep. And sleep I was going to do.

A dream hidden behind a sweat shirt
RomanceMolly a seventeen year old girl has been abused for the seven years that her father was in their lives. When memory's come flooding back what helps her?