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2 years later

Steven's P.O.V

"Please boys, relax!" Arabella drove Guns N Roses to the set of their first music video for their top hit 'Sweet Child O' Mine' we all wrote it based on her. "I'm very nervous, bell" I admitted to her, I sat in the passenger seat and the boys rode in the backseat of her mustang. "Popcorn, trust me and trust yourself. You guys are like nothing we've ever signed before, y'all will kill it!" She always had away to turn everything positive "thanks" I smiled at her and she returned with a smirked "alrite now listen, give it your all okay? Make this your best and make today better then yesterday. Slash get wild with the solos, duff go crazy on your guitar, izzy be izzy, Axl till you can't sing anymore and popcorn bang hard!" she gave us this speech before every performance we did and it always got pumped up over it like spell sorta. We soon released our first album and it's like we were the biggest band ever! We had free girls, free drinks, free gifts, free everything! Money and fame rolled in but we never changed one bit especially as Arabella for our manger and our 'mom' it was funny because she was younger then all of us and still acted older.

Months later

Slash's P.O.V

I watched Arabella as she was staring into her long mirror she was very short like 4'11, she had long wavy brown hair that that went all the to her lower back, she had big gray eyes that could kill, her lips were completely irresistible, her skin tone was similar to my own, her body always tested my patience all those curves, and she had lots of tattoos. I thought she was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen before but I'm pretty sure the boys liked her too "hey Arabella, what's wrong?" I walked in "oh nothing just tired that's all." She smiled weakly and I could see right thru her "lets talk" I walked over to her bed and lured her over to me "okay what's up?" she stared at me with those fascinating eyes "what's bothering you, love?" I moved the hair out my face to see more clearly "nothing really" she giggled trying to play it off but I could easily tell something was truly wrong "don't do that" I stared deep into her eyes trying to find the truth out, I knew how bad she hated to make eye contact especially when she was sad or mad she would never make eye contact when something was bothering "do what?" she played with my curls, I loved when she did that it was the best "don't laugh or smile and act like everything is okay because Arabella it isn't." I grew little frustrated and worked up because I was worried for her "slash, I'm fine!" I stared into her eyes that quickly filled with tears "you can't even look at me" I tighter my grip on her and she finally stared into my eyes "I- I'm f-f fine, Saul!" the tears quickly fell nonstop and my heart broke every time a tear fell, I just held her so tight and never waned to let go "babe, wanna tell me what's the problem?" I broke the silence "it just I got fired today and I don't think I could no longer be your guys manger." she cried and I could've of cried but I didn't instead I could feel my heart beat very loud as it dropped, I couldn't believe this or any of this I hated this "fired for what?" I could barely speak "arguing and fighting publicly with another co-worker but like it wasn't even my fault she bumped me and all my coffee spilled on me!" she sobbed and sniffled "you can still be our manger, baby, I promise after all it is up to us." I kissed her head, I didn't even know if it was up to us but I had to give her some hope. Later in the night I left and revealed the news to the rest of the band, they were shocked just as myself "I don't think she could be our manager anymore" izzy mumbled "I know" I sighed "what the fuck!" axl jumped up "fuck" duff whispered "yeah she can come on it'll work out." Steven tried to do everything he could to lift our mood but it didn't work. The next morning we made breakfast for the first time in 3 years (ever since we moved in she always did the cooking) it was hard but it all payed off "Arabella" we walked in, she sat up in her bed playing with her hair. "Thanks guys" she finished her meal and we started our plan we had prepared. "Arabella, you always said you wanted to be a dancer maybe you could go to dance classes." I smirked "or become a stripper." Steven included, I was irritated with his comment how could he say that? Arabella is the most kindest, sweetest, most respectable lady we'd ever met she really classy and smart that's what I loved most about her, girls will be so easy, free, all over you and naive but Arabella isn't like that nothing like that. "Fuck you Steven. Arabella, baby, you need to be a singer love I heard your voice it's golden." axl insisted "aye look here ,Bella, you could just be with us forever like you don't need to work or anything just forever hang out with us,you get me?" duff smiled widely "or you could do whatever you feel like doing" izzy gave a small smile "thanks guys but I called my family and I think I'll go see what's going on over there, they are all real high class and stuff so whatever people I talk to I think I'd get some help" she said to us "how far will you be?" Steven looked at her with puppy dog eyes "I am gonna go to bell air so not even far" she smiled at Steven "when tho?" axl leaned in "2 days maybe" she shrugged "okay but Bella we got a show to go to so hurry up." I lightly smacked her legs "I'm not gonna go" she mumbled "what the fuck? why not!?" you could hear the disappointment we all had "because I wanna relax you know?" Arabella stared at each of us "alrite love ya" we all said before walking out

Arabella's P.O.V

"love you too" I whispered as the boys walked out. Night came quick and my phone suddenly rang "hello?" I answered "we are gonna go on stage in a minute" I heard duffs happy voice spark up "put me on speaker" "you are" I heard the rest of the guys giggle "alrite now listen, give it your all okay? Make this your best and make today better then yesterday. slash get wild with the solos, duff go crazy on your guitar, izzy be izzy, axl sing till you can't sing anymore and popcorn bang hard!" I'd gave them this speech since the first time I took them to perform and it's like they wanted to hear it before ever one of their performances. "love ya!" they hung up "love you too" I whispered. 5 hours later while I was watching t.v an live interview of the boys popped up. "so axl why'd you guys choose Geffen over everyone else?" the man asked them they all sat on a blue couch. "because our manger, she don't let us do what we wanted, we're kept in check and we need that. You know, she gave us everything without Arabella there's really no guns and roses." axl admitted and slash went on interrupting with some off topic bullshit as always "Arabella your manager tell us about her?" And all the boys went on talking at the same time as usual, I giggled "she's the best!" I heard Steven's voice holler from the background "yeah man she total gave us a place to stay with food and were like a big family and she's the mom" izzy mumbled like always "she loves beef jerky!" duff laughed and so did slash "she gave us all little nicknames one day I was uhh Oreo Dick or lion king and duff was giraffe and izzy was silence and axl was bitch and Steven was popcorn." slash laughed louder then ever, he was piss drunk. "and and and we have the same background-" slash was cut off my izzy "but she has an extremely strong British accent." he stated "yeah we umm were mixed between black and British it's totally cool man!" they went on with other questions and other things slash was drunk as always although everyone else was drinking slash was the only drunk one.

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