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I was wrong, nothing could ever be normal again!
It was a month later & I had left out to go buy some groceries. All the kids stayed home with Bella. When I had arrived back home, the babies were asleep, Jay was watching cartoons, Arabella was sitting on the couch painting her toenails & Sasha was no where to be found. "Hey, everyone I'm back!" I announced "hey, dad." Jay said "hi, baby, what'd you buy?" Arabella kissed me real quick "just some stuff for you to make dinner... Where's sash?" I asked her "oh upstairs, her new friend, Angeline came for a play date." Arabella stated while she continued painting her toenails "Angeline?" I whispered to myself. Outta curiosity I went upstairs into Sasha's room & I'm glad I did. "Daddy!" Sasha ran to me with a big hug "hi, babe!" I hugged her back "Angeline, this my dad." Sasha said & sure enough it was Angeline "h-h-hi Angeline." I waved & stuttered "hello" she said then went back to coloring "okay, imma go downstairs." I hurried out the room & went outside to think.
Two black sandals appeared & I looked up "why would you fucking do this?" I got furious when I seen Perla "the sisters wanna play together" she snickered "they aren't sisters!" I said a little to loud but then Arabella came out "oh hey, Perla, come in!" Arabella smiled & waved her hand "your lucky she doesn't know about our past.." Perla whispered & went inside. Before I could walk in Jay ran to me "dad!" He grunted "yeah, kid?" I looked down at him "I don't like her!" Jay stomped "me neither, but I'll give you money if you stay in my room with your little brothers & keep your mouth shut." I smirked & handed him 5$ "thanks" he ran upstairs.
I saw Perla & Arabella talking on the kitchen table "so if you don't mind me asking, where is Angeline's dad?" Arabella asked Perla & Perla turned to me "slash knows where" Perla rolled her eyes at me "well uhh" I chocked on the words "so umm Arabella" I wanted to tell her "uhh ahh umm" I needed to tell her "okay so look" I couldn't tell her "Arabella when uhh when I first umm started to get Jay..." I'm telling her "I was sorta umm I was sorta with ahh Perla" ohh I don't wanna hurt Arabella "& of course things happened" I'm hurting Arabella "& then after awhile we went our separate ways" I could see it in her eyes "anyways while you were ahh in labor I was umm I was outside & Perla randomly went over to me" every word I am saying is tearing Arabella apart "& she had told me that uhh what's her name? Uhh Angeline was umm that Angeline was well ahh that she was mine" I broke her, I could see her eyes beginning to water "well" Arabella stood up "is she?" Arabella crossed her arms "no" I said "yes" Perla said.
No words were said, the silence was dead. It was very awkward. Our maid stood watching all of our kids including Angeline while we drove to the clinic. We were gonna get a DNA test done.
We waited for 15 minutes in awkward silence until they called us in. We did the test & they sent us back out to wait while they get the results. Still it was quiet & awkward between us.
The doctor called us back to reveal the truth. Arabella didn't know what to believe (I could tell) Perla was positive I was the father & I was praying to god I wasn't. "Mr.hudson you are..." My heart stopped, I think all of our's did "..not the father!" Did I hear him right? "What?" Perla asked real quick "I'm not the fada!" I laughed but Arabella was staring mad hard at me "come on." Arabella mumbled & started walking out to the car.
When we got home Perla took Angeline back home with her & we all started to lay down. It was 10pm & we were all tired. I checked on Sasha who was asleep & Jay was on his bed asleep. The boys: Frankie, Antonio, Mike, & Henry, they were all asleep in their crib. Arabella was just laying down on our bed, I went to join her.
"What's wrong, love?" I asked her "just today" she mumbled "what do you mean? Angeline wasn't mine." I looked at her & she looked at the ceiling "& if she was?" She finally looked at me "& if she was then I still would've loved you." I looked into her grey eyes that softened "okay." She turned the other way "don't just say okay." I sat up "well what do you want me to say?" She turned to me & say up also, a few strands of her hair waved in front of her face "I don't know." I said quietly "Bella, look these past months with you being pregnant, you giving birth, my new band, Perla, & Angeline, it's all been a wreck & it's affecting us. Our marriage! & I just can't lose you, ever. It's just been horrible & I've been thinking of us, you know, redoing our vowels." I said "when do you think we'll ever have time for that?" She laid back down "soon" I kissed her forehead & we started to doze off into a well-needed sleep.

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