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Yep, so here we are again, another little baby developing every day in Arabella's stomach. This time her stomach looked bigger, this time I know what to do. Anyways, we are happily married, many people say that that it gets worse when you're married, that's not true! Knowing that my family is going nowhere is the best feeling. I already knew Arabella was going to get pregnant because I planed it, I wanted another little baby in the house. Jay is just calm, smart & just like Arabella, but little Sasha is off the wall, hyper & just like me. But I just wanted know would the new baby be just like me or Arabella, will the new baby look just like Arabella or me? I was psyched out of the new child, this will be the best! I could barley wait, I've never been so happy!


Fuck, I was really fucking wrong! There's no hope! Everything is ruined! All is lost! We're doomed! We're fucked! There's no going back! Nothing can save us! It's a dead end!

"How the fuck could you do this?" Arabella yelled at me "I don't fucking know!" I panicked "this just can't happen!" She exhaled while shaking her head "what the fuck?!?" I groaned & rubbed my face "are you sure?" I continued "slash, there's fucking 4 heads in the picture, I'm sure!" She shouted & showed me the picture "are you positive? What if it just some ink-" she cut me off yelling again "Saul Hudson, I am fucking positive that I there is 4 boys inside of my stomach!" I couldn't believe that at all, I kept repeating '4 boys' to myself "but Arabella that's-" I cut myself off when I started to count on my fingers "6 fucking kids!" I said that but I was still in shock "I could fucking count, idiot!" Arabella stomped "we can't do this!" She yelled again "I know!!" I groaned

"daddy?" I heard Sasha's coming down the hall "what's happening?" Jay was there too "oh" Arabella bit her lip "come here, love!" Bella grabbed Sasha & pulled Sasha to her lap "okay so, Jay..." I sat him in my lap also "what?" Both kids asked at the same time "well you know how momma is having a baby?" I tried smiling, both of the children nodded their head "it's not gonna be only 1 baby...." Arabella had a weird look in her eyes "what?" Jay sounded so confused "jay, momma said it's no gonna be only one baby, don't you hear?" Sasha has a big sassy attitude for her being 3 years old, real sassy "hey hey hey, little missy, do you understand that?" I tried not to laugh "yea, dad, there's 2 babies!" She bobbed her head "wrong!" Arabella shook her head "so what, there's 6?" Jay blankly asked "there will be 6!" I stated "yeah, there's 4 little babies in mommy's tummy so when they all come out there will be 6 little kids all together!" Arabella cleared things up.

"Momma?" Sasha called while we all sat in the living room "yes?" Arabella answered "where do babies come from?" Sasha asked, totally clueless. Arabella's eyes nearly popped out her head & right when I was gonna say something, Jay said it "duh, sash, when the boy & the girl start kissing-" I had to cut him off right there "jay!" I yelled at him "what?" He looked at Arabella & I "who taught you that?!" Arabella asked loudly "well daddy & I were watching t.v-" Arabella stopped him then gave me a death stare "I told him close his eyes!" I put my hands up "fucking idiot!" She shouted at me "mommy you can't cuss!" Sasha stomped her foot "got to your room!" Bell yelled at both the kids & they just stared "now!" I told them & they left
"are you fucking serious, Saul?!"
"No, are you fucking serious?! You're making a big deal outta nothing!"
"Nothing?! Nothing?! You fucking stupid ass!"
"It was a fucking accident!"
"Okay & how many more other 'accidents' happened?!?"
"Shut the fuck up!"
"You're fucking loud! Sash & Jay both gotta go to school!"
"So now you care?!!?"
"I've always fucking cared!"
"Yeah okay, then why didn't Jay know you were his dad?"
"Are you serious right now?! Wow, Arabella, wow! That's old fucking shit!"
"But it happened!"
"Shut the fuck up!"
"Fine okay, punk motherfucker!"
"Fuck you"
"Fuck you too, Saul! You're still the ass you were when you I met you!"
"Shut the fuck up!"
"I made you, slash!"
"You didn't make shit! Fuck you, Arabella! You think I ever wanted to have kids with you?!?! That's why I cheated on you! You're just a piece of ass, nothing else!"
"Damn you!"
That's when we started fighting, she swung her fist in my eye & I pushed her face back, I let her hit me all I did was push her off of me "Your fucking crazy!" I yelled at her then stormed out the door to go drink my ass off.


Arabella's P.O.V
I already knew where this motherfucker would be at 'Benny's 24/7 Mind Washer' it was the wildest bar, it had the loudest music, most people, strongest alcohol, it had it all! Slash would go there once in a while for a drink but he always said it was his favorite. Seeing that it was 4:57am & I had no babysitter I had to take the kids with me. Even at 5 in the morning this place was packed but of course slash was in the front drinking alone. "Get in the car!" I told him "ay, Arabella, don't you think it's to early to be bitching?" He threw his hand "yes but don't you think it's too early to be drinking?" I mocked him as he got in the car, I had to be quiet because the kids had fallen back to sleep. "I'm so tired!" He shouted & smelled like complete beer "it's 5am, Saul." I said blankly "woah!" He laughed, nothing wasn't even funny "ay ay ay, you know that like if umm we broke up I wouldn't umm I wouldn't like I wouldn't be with some girl" he stared at me & I stared at the room "okay, saully." I said "no I'm not lying! It cause Jay oh Jay he is so good at the drums like he is good! But like when ahh what's her name? Oh ahh Sasha, yeah I like her she's so beautiful just like you Bella." Slash mumbled then took off his seat belt & moved over to the backseat "what the fuck are you doing?" All his hair got in my face but he moved to the backseat "come on, kid, let's lay down, daddy missed you!" He said to Jay but Jay was asleep "slash, leave 'em alone." I told him "no I wanna be with my son!" He sounded like a little kid "& your daughter?" I tired to focus on the road but I couldn't "that's my princess!" He mumbled & kept rambling on but I couldn't understand. Right when we pulled into the drive way "oh fuck-" slash got cut off because he started throwing up, everywhere, it fucking smelled, I was furious with him! "Clean this shit!" I shouted & locked him out. 1 hour & a half later he started pounding on the door "Arabella, I gotta piss!" He said but I ignored him "Arabella, please!" Then he went to the kitchen window "I know your in here, Arabella!" He said & I ducked down so he wouldn't see me "fuck it, Imma pee on the bushes." & he did. Then when I was gonna open the door for him one of the babies started kicking soon, that shit started hurting badly! "Arabella, can you please open the door?" He said loudly "ahh come in!" I opened it & sat "what happened?" He groaned "come!" I hissed from all the pain, I pulled his arm & placed in gently on my stomach were the babies started kicking "oh" he had he most adorablest smile on his face, he looked like a small little boy, I was surprised because it seemed so long but it's barley 6:30am. When slash finally took a shower I started thinking of names, but got distracted when he only came out with the towel.... On his head. "Slash, cover yourself!" I said, but I didn't mean it, you would think that after so many years of alcohol & drugs he'd look like shit but no he is really sexy, sexy then ever right now! "Well I would but I kinda threw up on myself." He coughed "well didn't you clean it up?" I asked "yeah but the clothes I had put on got dirty from it." He said walking up the stairs, damn he had a cute butt, a really cute butt. I sat there staring at the ceiling & think of how lucky I could be, like so many girl would do anything to be with any member of Guns but slash choose me outta of every other girl he choose me! Thinking of everything that I had done over the years with GnR & him made me smile.

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