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Thats Jay in the picture

I woke up in the middle of night, rapped up in a sheet with Jay laying on my chest. He was all sweaty but so was I, we were both hot rocks but the good thing was there was a fan on us both. I was beyond words for this whole situation, it felt like a fucking dream. I was about to get about so I could leave (even though it was probably 3am) but right when I made a small move Jay held me tighter, oh I love that feeling. I just stood up wondering about Arabella, was she mad? is she gonna forgive me? I didn't know anything...

I woke the next morning because Jay was drooling on my chest. The clock read 7:15am so I rolled Jay off of e & went go to the restroom. I came out & Jay was up rubbing one eye & yawning "hey dude, why you up?" I scratched my head "hi slash & cause this is when mommy wakes me up." his voice was raspy "oh & then your dad takes you to school?" I asked, even I already knew the answer I just wanted to see what he'd say. "no I don't know my daddy, but I think he would come in farmer clothes." he cough & so did I only difference was mine was smoker cough & his sounded sick "why farmer clothes?" I asked walking over to him, I have been standing in the hallway "I don't know" he stood up & walked up stairs but stopped & came back down "can you pour me some cereal? I want lucky charms." he went back upstairs.

He was dressed in a little white shirt uniform & blue pants, he looked ready to go. "wait, you're going to school?" I asked him "well duh, slash!" he giggled, I loved him. We shared cereal & watched cartoons, Jay said that Arabella was upstairs getting dressed. After a while it was 7:40 & Arabella walked down stairs, no doubt in my mind that I still loved him. Even though she was going to flip burgers, she looked stunning, in her hat & uniform she was beautiful! "Good morning, slash." she said without a smile "morning!" I said quickly "I am going to take him to school then I'll give you a ride home." she said & we all got into her car.

We reached a small school with children all in uniform. Arabella stopped the car so he could get out & he did, he was walking but stopped & turned back around, I opened the door "what happened?" We asked "bye slash" he tackled me with a big hug, I was surprised but it felt good like I could cry but smile whole I cried type of feeling.

We were at the red light "Arabella?" I said outta no where "huh?" she wouldn't even look at me "how are we gonna do this?" I asked "do what?" still she wouldn't look at me "you know with Jay & all?" I watched her, she was flawless, even with hair in her face & no makeup, she was stunning!

"so now you want him in your life?"

"Well,yes that is my kid!"

"Not when you ran off to the bar!"

"Okay & I am fucking sorry! I know I fucked up but please just fucking forgive me & give me a chance!

"Why slash?! why should I give you a chance?! cause Jay is suddenly you kid & now you care about him?! fuck you, I have you the chance way back! So tell what the fuck makes you so different then before, why should I allow you a chance?!"

"I always cared for my kid, okay? If maybe I would've ran into a long time ago then it would've been simpler! Or maybe this is a fucking meant to be! If it means stop smoking, stop drinking, no more groupies or anything then believe I will stop all that in a heartbeat for him!.... even if it means no more guitar, then I'll quit it!"

"Slash, you don't need to do that for Jay, do it for yourself! & you know what maybe you should keep smoking seeing that your so ducking nervous right now, you've been biting your nails the whole ride! Your just dying for one inhale or one sip of your Jack Daniel's!"

"So what! Just listen to me, this is meant to be & Jay is mine also, I want him in my life!"

"Okay then just show me you could fucking handle him! He's worse then you! Seeing that it's Friday you will have him all weekend, but if he has any little experience with your fucking, drugs or booze then you'll never hear or see ever fucking again! He gets outta school at 12:10pm be there by 12:00pm, he likes PBJ with the crust cut off, & his bed time is at 9:00pm, & he doesn't like it quiet there always has to be some noise."

That was the end of our conversation, all I focused on was that I could finally have Jay back into my life & I could finally be in his life.

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