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Slash's P.O.V

On the ride all I could think about was arabella, I couldnt stop. I felt like a fool in love with her but even then I accepted the fact that I was still with Renee, not by choice but by force. Renee's dad will have my career ruined if I hurt Renee. Don't get me wrong I love renee deeply but not enough for me to just forget all about Arabella, that's impossible. I remember that night with Arabella when we had did it together for the first time was the best but just to see her smile is also the best but I also remember that night me & Renee first did I loved it but I also loved being with her. I stared out the window watching the cars pass by & hearing the music on the radio, I drifted off to sleep.

I had woken up to see light red strands of hair on my face & I felt warmth on me "baby?" I smiled "yes?" I heard her soft voice "I love you" I smirked "me too, slash, but we gotta go now." She lighted tapped my chest "we're here already?" I asked her rubbing her warm back "yea we've been here for an half n hour" she responded & stood up "so why we just laying here?" I sat up and rubbed my hands together "because I wanna be with you" she gave a small smirk "Come here" I smiled & grabbed her wrist making her come closer "what?" She smiled & moved my curls outta my face "come here" I placed my hands on her hips "what?" she laughed a little "I just wanna love you!" I smiled widely & leaned my head on her thin stomach "me too, slash" she put her head on the top of mine. "hey, lovebirds, we gotta go!" Mandy yelled & we went to our hotel. "okay everyone gots their rooms already, you guys are right here." Mandy opened up our room door, I have to admit this was a cool room. It had red paint and leather couches, fit for a rockstar. "thanks so much, Mandy!" renee smiled "no problem! We are across from you guys, axl & steph are on you're right, matt & gilby are on you're left but they are going to be with lots of girls just saying." Mandy giggled "alrite thanks again" I waved to her as she walked out "this is nice huh?" renee begin taking off her shoes "yeah it's nice." I threw myself on the bed, I was still tired "lets lay down babe." I laid on my stomach with my face in the fluffy cold pillows "you sleep huh?" she walked to the light switch & turned out the lights "yep" I mumbled then felt her hands on my back giving my a rub, I loved her.

Duff's P.O.V

"duff get the phone!" I heard Mandy shout from the restroom "hello?" I answered it "hey duff!" Arabella giggled "oh god its you! Hey how's it going?" I laid back down "shut up & good, how's the hotel?" she asked "it nice & it has a lot of space!" I scratched my stomach "well that's good, have fun, I have to go, call me tomorrow, tell everyone I said hi, I love you, night!" she said quickly, she is a weird girl! "who was it?" Mandy asked "bell" I said "oh, what she say?" she crawled next to me "she asked about the hotel, she told me to tell everyone hi & to call her tomorrow." I cuddled next to Mandy running my hand up & down her arm "she's really something" Mandy kissed my bare chest "she is" I smiled & shut off the light.

Axl's P.O.V

I laid in bed with Stephanie we were both already very tired "babe?" she said outta nowhere "yea?" I asked "lets talk" she smacked her lips "not now" I groaned "it's just I'm worried!" she went on "about?" I asked "because like Arabella is all alone & stuff" she said "oh my god, she's fine!" I giggled lightly with my eyes closed "yeah but nevermind" she turned away "tell me" I didn't even wanna know but I had to act like it "don't say nothing!" "k" "she's pregnant!" Stephen admitted & this was something I needed to know "what the hell? I fucking knew it! how many months? like two huh? fuck, by who?!" I was wide awake now "hey don't et all hyped up nobody knows besides me, you, Mandy & duff! Its by slash & yes about two months." Steph told me "wait wait, so you guys knew?! whatever but why won't she tell slash?" I was so interested in this "because he is with renee & she knows that he wouldn't even give a shit that when they had sex that it was all an accident but she won't get an abortion because she wand this baby but she's gonna lie about the dad" Steph told me all the gossip "wait wait so when that baby comes out with curly hair & a jack Daniels bottle who is she going to make the dad?" I stared at the ceiling "oh shutup, hopefully slash doesn't have strong genes because if he does there is gonna be a crap load of drama" she waved her hands "yeah you're right but for reals slash will already knows it's his because look even if that baby doesn't look nothing like slash the math won't add up, you're pregnant for nine months & Arabella isn't with anyone so it just won't work, slash is way too smart for that & evidently slash knows he fucked her with out a condom!" I pointed out "yeah you've got a point." Stephanie shook her head "that's crazy but I just wish her the best" I said truthfully "me too!" she agreed "imma help her every step of the way." I said proudly "me too" she started to sound tired "imma do everything I can." I stated "can we just sleep on it, cause it's late & I'm tired" she shut me up "love you" I put my arm around her "me too" we fell asleep.

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