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Waking up the next morning with Arabella by my side was amazing, I wouldn't trade this for the world. I snugged in closer but she turned to face me. "slash?" she stared at me with those beautiful eyes "yes?" I had sort of a sleepy voice "I'm sorry." she stood up "what?" I was scared of what was going to happen next "this shouldn't have happened, I gotta go.." She was almost out my bedroom door but I chased after her "please, no, you can't just leave, please, just stay with me, please?" I felt like a little boy "slash, no!" her eyes watered, why did her eyes water? "please Arabella! Without you & Jay I have nothing!" I almost shouted "I'm sorry, slash!" she tried moving away from me "Arabella!" I screamed "what, slash?!" she stomped "please stay with me... You're all I need." I whispered "goodbye, Saul." I let her slip away from me. I heard Jay's room door open "come on, baby" Arabella voice was loud but shaky "where we going, momma?" he had his little sleepy voice, I couldn't see but I could hear it all "home" his door shut "but where's slash?" he asked "uhh he's sleeping.." she told him & I decided it was best to stay quiet "no, no, no, I wanna stay with him!" Jay companied, I could hear by the descending voice that they were already at the door "later." Arabella said "daddy!" Jay started crying, that was the last I heard. Jay's voice when he first called me dad played like a broken record in my head, it was all I ever heard all day & all night.

A whole week went past, I was pretty proud of myself because instead of resorting to alcohol to kill the pain I just played guitar, which was like a drug more or less. It was Friday but the entire day went past without Jay coming that's when my peace & love ended now I was angry.

I got into my car & drove off to Arabella's house, her car was in the lot so she had to be there. I knocked on the door & Jay opened it "daddy!!!" he smiled & jumped all over me "hi, son!" I hugged him very tight, I missed him more then ever. "Jay?" Arabella called then came to the door "what are you doing here?" she stared at me "getting my kid obviously you didn't drop him off so I came to get him." I stared up at her because I was squatting so I could be Jay's height "yeah I know. Slash, Jay is gonna stay with me this weekend." She crossed her arms "I have him on the weekends, remember?" I glared at her "well, he is gonna be here" she gave me an attitude "no!" I stood up with Jay in my arms "where are you going?" She walked out on the porch where I recently was "my house!" I shouted "no your not!" She yelled "yes I am, I get him weekends!" I started walking but she followed "gimme Jay!"


"Fuck you, he's my kid!"

"He my too,Bella!"

"So fucking what?!"

"So what is, we share him!"

"I don't care, slash! Come here, Jay!" She tried pulling jay out my arms "get the fuck away!" I pulled Jay back then he started crying. Sadly, we ignored it "give me my son!" She pushed me then pulled Jay "Arabella, move!" I pushed her soft then pulled Jay "fuck you!" She started hitting me while I was putting Jay in his at seat "I'll call the fucking cops!" She yelled but I was getting in the car "& tell 'em what? His dad is taking him home & that you're fucking crazy?!" I screamed at her then started reversing "give me, Jay!" She pulled on any part of my car hit I drove away flipping her off.

When I got home Jay was asleep but within that second I laid him down on the couch there was loud knocks on the door. "Yeah?" I opened the door then I seen that she was bluffing because two police officers were there

"may we come in mr.hudson?"


"Evidently, you know what this is all about so if you could just hand him over...."

" & what? Lose my son forever?!?"

"Sir, we are just doing our job!"

"Okay but I will not give up Jay, he is my son!"

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