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It was 4:00am & I was up still shocked, a girl?! How could it be a girl, that's scary! Because when a girl comes then there's gonna be boys, me being overly protective, certain clothing, & boys, & I just can't do that! I'm scared to be a father to a little baby girl. That scared me right down to the core. Seeing that the media wouldn't leave us alone whatsoever I thought it was best to move. I found a place out in Palmdale but we didn't buy it yet.


It was 6 months later & we bought the house. When I bought the house I also bought a ring. It was a big diamond, I wanted to marry Arabella & have her in my life forever. It was our 2 day since we fully moved in & later in the day I was gonna go to the beach & propose there. When we drove out to the beach we seen our old friend Stephanie. It was a big moment seeing that we haven't seen her in years & now Jay is all grown up. "Babe, let's take a walk." I helped her get up "where to?" She looked up at me with those grey eyes that I loved since the first day I met her, jay & Stephanie were behind us "baby?" I stared at her "yeah?" We stopped & I reached into my pocket feeling the all box "I love-" she cut me off Slash?!" Arabella's trembled, "what happen-" I stopped myself when I realized there was water, a whole lot! "No!" Stephanie gasped "what do we do?" I got scared "are you stupid?!?" Arabella yelled at me "hurry, she's hurting me, & she wants out, now!" Arabella yelled again "Jay, your sister is coming!" Stephanie put Jay on her shoulders & I helped Arabella walk back to the car "why, now?" Jay pouted but we ignored him & got into the car, Arabella & I screamed at each other back & fourth the whole car ride because we were both in the back seat together. Jay was in the passenger crying because Arabella kept screaming from the pain "moms okay, Jay!" I said loud "where's the nearest, hospital?!!?" Stephanie screamed her question "I don't know!" I screamed nervously. "Saul, fuck that, come on!" Arabella said then Stephanie freaked out "what are you guys about to do?!" Then I said "Jay, let mommy hold your hand!" I called to Jay & he listened "what's happening, daddy?" He cried "oh baby it's gonna be okay, sister is coming." Arabella tried to sound relaxed "push!" I said, I was about to deliver a baby girl, my baby girl! "No, oh fuck, no!" Stephanie panicked while driving, Arabella pushed "ouch, mommy!" Jay pulled away from Arabella's tight grip "again!" I yelled then Arabella pushed "are you for reals?!" Stephanie was freaking out while driving "breath, baby!" I yelled at Bella but Stephanie was taking the breathers "push!"

It was a high pitched but very beautiful cry. I held her head & for the first time in a long time I cried, then came out the arms & legs. She was all wet but I removed my shirt & put it on her. She couldn't see me but I knew she could hear me "I got you, baby, daddy's got you!" I said softly, it was a one I'm a million moment. To not only be the first to hold your new born daughter but to deliver her! I was so confused on what to do about the umbilical cord but I remembered my pocket knife was on the floor, I picked it up & very extremely gently cut it. The little baby girl had me feeling as if I just looked into a mirror, the big lips, little nose, facial structure, all that! She looked just like me, Jay looked like Arabella but she looked just like me! I was the first to see her but to me she was the most beautifulest girl in the world! She ant have no boyfriends ever, I don't care how beautiful she is! I wanna protect her & just be her dad, to be in her life & give her the world! This little girl was born nearly a minute ago but she had changed my entire way of thinking! That's when I realized we never came up with an name for her. "Daddy, Daddy!! Let me see Sasha!" That's when I knew Sasha was the perfect name for our daughter even though Jay named her.

It was a long night of sitting the ER Arabella was getting stitched up & all kinds of other things, Steph & Jay went home, Sasha was being taken care of & getting checked out, & I was walking nervously back & fourth. It had been almost 6 hours of me worried all alone this was the first time in 2 years that I put a cigarette in between my lips & before I could light it "Mr.Hudson?" A nurse called "yeah?" I turned to face her "the paparazzi are coming you should come in, you are allowed to visit your daughter now." She said to me "thank you!" I exhaled "just doing my job, follow me." She begin walking straight down the hall & I followed behind her "you could only look at her, no touching." She said softly, there was a lot of babies but I could tell which one was Sasha, my heart melted seeing her. She was very beautiful, big chunky cheeks, little button nose, "She looks everything like you!" The nurse said "oh I know!" I chuckled Atari down at my babygirl "so I heard that you ahh delivered her?" The nurse asked me "oh yeah, I did by force you know. I love this little girl & all but I wished she could've waited because Arabella's water broke right when I was go to propose." I told her "maybe she wanted to be featured in the wedding." The nurse laughed & so did I. "Are you tired?" She asked me while I yawned "yeah." I scratched my head "go to room 248 that's Arabella's room, she is asleep, go get comfortable on the chairs & I bring you up a pillow & blanket." She smirked "thanks." I smiled "goodnight, princess, daddy loves you!" I whispered to Sasha then walked out.

I made it to Arabella's room & saw her asleep "I love you, baby!" I kissed Arabella's forehead & laid on the chairs, I fell asleep so quick that I never knew if the nurse came back.....

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