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Arabella's P.O.V

Slash ran away, just as I excepted, but I am not gonna cry anymore, fuck him! He is very immature & I'm tired of his shit, I'm gone. I knew that parents had bought I am new house & left the old for me but I never took it, why? because of slash! I had a kid now & I'm feed up with this childish crap, I'm not inns sit around lovesick over that asshole. Instead imma do me & do better for my son, seeing that slash wasn't . I decided that I will move just so I could have a better drama free life for me & my son, that's what's best!

I was putting all my stuff inside of my truck & everyone watched me with out saying a word, Stephanie just kept rocking jay. I left my bed & drawers things like at the house but took most of my stuff & all of jay's things. Once everything was packed I walked back inside, I gently grabbed "thankyou, bye guys, I love you!" I shouted walking away "love ya" they said softly.

Jay was a very easy going baby so it made the ride a lot easier. I finally arrived in Santa Ana where my new house was. I grabbed jay & pushed the door open, the house was pretty much abandoned but was clean, very clean! I set Jay down & begin fixing the house.

It took me a whole week just get fully satisfied with the house, Jay had his own room & so did I but that left two extra rooms. The whole house want painted white inside & out but I liked it so I wasn't gonna repaint it. I only had small talk with everyone but not once hadn't I spoken to slash & not once did I want to. As far as I knew the band was still together & we're going strong. I always wondered about Steven & Izzy, I always wondered if we would ever link up again. I was told that slash had gotten divorced, I didn' care though, it was none of my business. As Jay grew older he had a little brown curly Afro. He even begin acting very similar to slash, but he was smart & thought like me. He was very calm never fussy but could also hyper & off the wall. Jay was 4 years & in preschool along with all the other kids who had both of their parents but jay didn't he ask about his dad & wouldn't bring him up.

Slash's P.O.V

Years rolled in & tears rolled out but I never talked to Arabella but I never not wanted to because every day she crossed my mind along with Jay, my son. I never had regrets but if I could go back to that day then I would in a heartbeat! I never found out where she left to or I never found out the number of her phone. God, I missed her! Even after mine & Renee's divorce, I thought about Arabella & only Arabella! I never got back in touch with perla, not that I cared but she did cross my mine from time to time. It was 9pm as I drove out on the long streets of Santa Ana because I was coming back from the small party my old friend was having. I kept trying to deny the fact that I was lost but after 20 minutes of going up & down the same streets I accepted it. I stomped my car & knocked on the first door I seen.

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