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Arabella's P.O.V

This baby wasn't even born but had the characteristics of slash, he was always kicking & moving! My stomach looked bigger than I thought it would be at 5 months, sadly I haven't came up with any names though. Shit, I don't even know what my plan is when slash gets home. "My god Arabella, I've never been so happy!" Mandy went on & on about her engagement & I was truly happy for her, she means a lot to me & so does her happiness it's just I am in pain. "I wish you guys the best!" I bit my lip "yeah thanks but enough about me, tell me about the baby!" She giggled "well this little guy is everything his dad is: HYPER!" I through my head back to look at the ceiling "oh fuck!" she laughed "any names yet?" she asked "well no..." I said "what the fuck?" Mandy said loudly "it just like its hard." I stated "hard?" she laughed "yes" I laughed also "come on, name him something easy. How about jay?" Mandy brainstormed "I like that" I nodded my head with the phone on my ear "well do that then. Now we need a middle name..." we both begin to think in silence "wait! Is he gonna have your last name or his?" she asked a tough question "I- I don't know." I really didn't know "are you ever gonna tell him?" she asked "I- I don't know." I was so confused on what to do "he is bound to find out but the question is when will you tell him cause you have to!" she told the truth "yeah you're right.... I will tell him when he comes home..." I said making up my mind "okay now are you gonna give jay your last name or slash's?" she asked me again "mine" I made up my mind "Jay Curtis!" she said "yeah that at sounds good" we both agreed "so what are you gonna do if when we come back & they're still together?" She asked me some mind-tingling questions "I'm not sure, I mean that is his kid also so jay would go back & fourth between us, I just can't keep slash & jay forever apart, I just don't know about the reaction or how imma do it but I will." I said strongly "you make it thru this babygirl, I love you & miss you so much, talk to you tomorrow!" she hung up & I was left alone thinking. How would I really tell slash? 'oh hey slash this is your kid jay' that's dumb, I don't know but I guess we'll just cross that bridge when we get there...

3 months later

Slash's P.O.V

I bought huge diamond ring, I really was gonna do it! I set up a whole dinner with rich food & shit, we were talking well she was but I totally ignored it all. "babe?" I stood up "yea?" she shinned those big adorable eyes, I reached into my pocket feeling the box, I slowly got down on one knee "Renee, I don't ever wanna lose you, would you marry me?" I randomly said, I really didn't plan a speech. "yes!" she jumped up & down excitedly with tears of joy rolling down her cheeks, this was the best day of my life I couldn't even find words for my happiness. I later that night met this groupie named Perla, she really knows how to have fun & she just fun to be around & she's gorgeous with big tits, was this love? "No it couldn't be in engaged now, but does that mean anything? Yes it does, it means you are tied down, no it does t it just means your really stuck with some one!" My mind argued with me.

Arabella's P.O.V

"Are you fucking serious, jay? Now you wanna come out? well you haven't to wait till I get to the car cause I'm eating my jerky!" I talked out loud to jay, my water just broke. Most women would rush but I'm walking to the car eating my jerky in a calm fashion. then suddenly I thought 'where's izzy?' I knew that he left the band but after that I kinda just lost touch with him. I took my time driving even though my water had broke. "hey I'm going into labor and I need a room..." I walked to the front desk "oh my god" the man gasp, grabbing a wheelchair "you aren't worried or in pain?" he rushed me in the wheelchair "no, I just need more beef jerky!" I stated & he sat me in the nearest room, "hang on!" for about an hour I having bring hanging on, only nurses came to do some stuff but not once did I get my beef jerky "excuse me!" I said "yes?" she said "I need a phone." I told her & she gave me one, I called the rooms but no answer so I called the hotel & luckily "oh mr.Rose is right here... Do you wish to speak to him?" she asked "yes!" I nearly shouted "hello?" a deep voice answered "axl! it's me Arabella, where's the girls?" I asked "they aren't here but I know why you were throwing up...." He whispered "axl I'm so sorry, I could explain-" he cut me off "explain?! for what? it's okay, Arabella! I understand everything okay?" he said "okay well I need you to understand that I am going into labor soon..." I smiled "no?" I could almost hear his smile "yes, my water broke while I was eating my jerky!" I laughed "Arabella, I wish I could be there but you know I can't..." I could almost hear the frown "it's fine, axl just tell the girls the news okay? just keep it between us." I said "I love you, I wish you the best wishes!" he hung up.

I finally called the doctor "alright look, this baby, he is coming out now okay? let's get this baby outta me!" I shouted & everyone got into their positions "ready?" she asked but some ran thru the door "Izzy?" I was speechless "oh Arabella!" he gave a small smile then licked his lips looking like he was gonna cry "I missed you so much" I said trying not to cry "& how about me?" A blonde walked in "umm" I felt uncomfortable because I didn't know him "steven.." izzy pushed him out the door, I don't know what izzy told him but when they came back in he stood quiet in & took a seat "I'll explain everything later just give birth!" he took a seat & I got ready. I pushed & screamed till I heard a small cry turn into a louder cry. "Arabella!" izzy said in excitement the blonde just looked like he was gonna cry, he looked so familiar "hello!" The doctor smiled at the new born, they laid him out in a table. I waited until I was able to hold him which was only about 5 minutes "you did it!" the blonde one stood up "yea" I smiled at him even though he was a stranger, they handed me little jay. "Oh my god" izzy whispers as he looked at jay over my shoulders, he was a small baby but I loved him! In this moment I felt absolute peace & happiness, We all started down at my creation "He's a handsome little guy!" izzy giggled "he is huh?" the blonde smiled, his smile was so familiar to me "what would you like to name him?" The nurse asked "Jay.... Dean Curtis!" I stated, I some how remembered izzy's middle name "what?" izzy whispered "what you don't want him to have your middle name?" I giggled "no I just feel really good." izzy smiled, we all smiled "welcome to the jungle, jay!" I whispered

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