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Izzy had explained how he found out & he told me who the blonde guy was: Steven. I didn't remember him but I wanted to know him. I was held in the hospital for a few days and now I'm going back today. I sit with jay in my arms, he looked so precious but he also looked just like me except for when he opened his eyes, he had the big brown puppy eyes like slash. I begin to wonder how am I gonna do this, how will I tell slash then the phone rings "yep?" I answered it "imma go get you, k?" It was izzy "okay just lemme tell the nurses" I said & he hung up.

I was finally dressed with sweatpants & a black tank top, I then thought: how am I gonna get rid of this weight. It hurt still when I walked because my feet were still swollen & my stitches. My body also still felt weak, I just wanted to lay down & luckily jay is extremely calm, he doesn't cry a lot & for him being a newborn he actually has some damn patience. I guess you could say he acts like his dad but thinks like his mom. Izzy appeared literally outta nowhere, "hey there, jay!" He smiled & grabbed him softly "how you doing, dada, how did you sleep? You ain't gonna be here anymore okay? you are going home, dada, it's really nice! You have lots of toys that your two best uncles bought you & then you have good nun-num to eat" izzy rambled on & on, I think this is the most I ever heard him speak, as for Steven who was said to talk quite a lot is very quiet. "Steven?" I said as we walked out of the hospital to izzy's car "yeah, Arabella?" he answered "talk! shit, I knew you before & I remember that smile or yours so don't change!" I smiled at the ground then looked up Izzy was ahead of us rambling on & on to jay "Haha" he laughed a loud laugh, I have a faint memory of that exact laugh, it was him. "well tell me, how ya been?" I nudged his arm lightly "well, I'm sober now but I'm barley going into sober living so that means imma still be in rehab and stuff but imma just get a little house." he said "oh well congrats!" I smiled & we made it to the car, during the car ride there was silence but it was comfortable. "uhh Arabella, we are only gonna be able to drop you off because I have to drop off Steven & I have to go home, but we will visit tomorrow." izzy stated "oh okay" we were already in front of the house "bye Steven, thanks for everything, it was good seeing you!" I hugged him tightly "bye iz, thanks also." I also have him a hug then I went to grab jay & his carseat. I waved one last time then went inside, Steven bought jay a crib & blankets, Izzy bought him food & a bouncer, Stephanie sent clothes (a whole lot!), Mandy sent clothes & shoes, Duff sent a stroller, & axl sent a lot of diapers. They all sent me something & it meant a lot I was truly thankful & happy but then I realized that everyone knew beside slash & renee, renee I didn't care about because she wasn't shit to me but slash, I was worried about.

Late at night I say on the couch with my feet on the bouncer so I could gently bounce jay. He would do small smiles & sometimes his eyes, but he hadn't cried at all, I'm telling you he is very calm. I loved jay (of course, he was my child) but I hated looking into his eyes because all j could see was slash & then I got worried all over again. Sadly, they are coming home in a week, time was just passing me by too fast.

A week later

Slash's P.O.V

Me & renee decided that we weren't gonna wait so we just got a quick get together with the band & the priest, & we got married. I felt bad though because I fucked Perla the night before, nobody knows though. I liked Perla but I love Renee but I will always love Arabella, why the fuck is this so difficult? I had told Perla goodbye but I had given her my number so we could stay in touch. We all rushed home & it seemed as though the plane was Ina rush also! We got home late at night but there was no sign of Arabella, the house looked clean like cleaner then usual. "Arabella?" everyone seemed to be in hurry to see her(besides renee) I wanted to see her too but not as bad as everyone else, what the fuck were they up to?

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