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It was a whole week before Arabella & Sasha were released. Arabella was so tired & always sleepy but I could understand you know, she just gave birth. Jay & Sasha had a new room that they shared together, Jay had his big-boy bed & Sasha had her crib. He is just a little made because we can't jam together as loud as before but Sasha & him both like it when I play the acoustic guitar to them before they go to sleep. Sasha did sleep as much as I expected a new born to sleep, she always had her eyes open, it was weird. The amazing thing is jay looked everything like Arabella but had my eyes & hair then Sasha looks everything like me but had Arabella's eyes & straight hair. She was barley getting hair but it wasn't curly at all! I thought she was absolutely perfect in every single way, except her cry, it was so high pitched, maybe she could be a singer.


My princess is finally a month, her face has really developed, she looks more & more like me everyday. She just doesn't seem to grow at all, she still is small. I hadn't asked Arabella to marry me yet but she hasn't even asked about what happened at the beach. Now, I too a big risk because I told Jay what I was going to do & he understood it just I know he'll go & tell Bella so I paid him not to do that. I've been doing a few concerts here & there with out her musicians but nothing to serious, I just need something to keep me occupied. Yeah, I have a family but I need something to do with music, it's my passion! Next week is Christmas & Jay is the worse, he's always peeking into all the gifts, he's trouble! Our tree was looking small due to the gifts surrounding all around it, there was so many. Arabella bought Sasha & Jay clothes, I took care of all the fun stuff! Jay got a new drum set, some really cool radio, lots of other toys & my princess just got thousands of toys, I spoil her too much! As for my queen, she was going to get the coffee machine she wanted, a new car, some expensive purse, new shoes, you know all the stuff girls want, I spoiled her a lot too!


An exact year ago today my princess was born, I can't believe that this little girl is a year old. Time just flew by, she started walking at 9 months! She walked like ET but she was still adorable, she likes to scream & laugh, Sasha is always moving never staying still, Sasha hates beef jerky though. My princess looks like me but she acts like me then jay who looks & act like his Arabella. I haven't asked Arabella to marry, yet, but I do plan on it. Jay like Sasha a whole lot, as a matter of fact he was the only who got my princess to start walking. I loved my kids so much but I just feared when they grow up, that's just scary for a parent. Sasha likes to her Jay & I play, jay is really becoming a pro at these drums, it was amazing! He could nail every single beat from the Beatles all the way to motley Crüe he was just killing it!


Sasha is 2 now, jay is 7 & I still haven't asked Arabella to marry me, I don't know what stopped me all these years but today is the day! "Arabella?" I yelled from the top of the stairs she was down stairs laying in the couch "mommy?" Both Sasha & Jay called "what?" Arabella answered "okay go, princess you give her the beef jerky-" I stopped because Sasha started shaking her head "what mamas?" I asked her but she ignored me "baby, I know you don't like it but please?" I tickled her & she started laughing "okay then. Jay give her the rose, Sasha go give her the beef jerky & I'll be right behind you guys." I hurried them to go down stairs "hi, momma!" They both ran to her & gave Arabella the gifts "aww thanks, babies!" Arabella giggled "dad, gots you a big gift!" Jay shouted "oh, he does?" Arabella pretending to be shocked "Arabella, damn I love you! The first second I walked into Geffen & seen you, I knew that you had to be mine! Without you, shit, I don't know where the fuck I would have even been! Baby, you are the only reason who I am today, thank you so much, love! You, Jay, & Sasha is all I want & all I need, I don't want you guys to go anywhere! Please, Arabella Lee Curtis, be mine forever?" I was nervous & all but by the end of my speech she was in tears with the biggest smile I've seen, Jay & Sasha were jumping around in the back. Arabella couldn't manage to speak because all the excitement but she was shaking her head & I knew it was an yes!


I wore a black tuxedo, with a red bow tie. Sasha wore a little red & black dress. Jay wore a small tux just like mine. Arabella wore a dark red mermaid dress with black lace all over. She looked beautiful, my daughter looked beautiful & my son looked handsome. We said our 'I dos' with our family watching us, Jay was the Ring bearer & Sasha was the flower girl. Everything was just how I imagine it to be! Our night ended with Arabella & I slow dancing to Amazing Aerosmith. Then, we went home & had some explicit fun.

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