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3rd P.O.V
Sasha wore a little blue dress & tossed flower petals on the carpet. Arabella wore a white tight dress with lace & followed behind Sasha. Half of the quadruplets were with slash's mom Ola & the other half was with Arabella's mom Gina. Jay sat on the bench by Ola, he wore a small blue tux. Slash stood at the alter watching Arabella & Sasha walk down the aisle. Slash wore a blue tux similar to jay's.

"Okay, Arabella, wow I just really wanna say thankyou for being you. You make me feel like the happiest man alive!! All these things I have accomplished came from you, thank you! I love you more then any guitar ever! Sometimes I think: what if I never knew how to play guitar? & if I never knew how to play guitar I would have never met you & our children wouldn't exist. You made it all! Without you I wouldn't be here & our children wouldn't be here! Your the reason why I do what I do. When ever I was at a concert that I didn't wanna play, I would remember: if I go home & Arabella finds out I didn't play she's gonna fuck me up! You keep me in check & you motivate me in everything! I vow to always provide you with the best of anything, to always care for anything, I vow to forever be by your side thru thickness & thin. I love you, Arabella!" Slash said his vows & Arabella's watered

"Saul- Slash! You may not know this but you have help me accomplish a lot also! Like getting stretch marks! No but honestly, you do so much & I thank you for that! The fact that you delivered Sasha & got her out of me is a blessing! I remember the day you guys walked into my office, oh my god! You looked as if you just rolled outta bed but something told me "you're better than how you look" but don't get me wrong, you look good! You're handsome & all of our boys are handsome. You are wonderful in so many ways as a man, a celebrity, a guitarist, a husband, & a father. I love you so much & I hate imagining life without you. I hate even thinking of you with another girl! I'm proud of you & all you have did, I couldn't ask for a better husband. I vow to support you in everything & anything, to always push you for more & to never leave your side, love you so much!" Arabella said hers & slash got butterflies like a little boy again.

They sealed their meaningful words with a long kiss. Everyone cheered with happiness & love. It was beautiful day!
They had went home & late at night slash found that he couldn't sleep. That differed from Arabella, who was very sleep deprived. The quads were even tired, they were good babies! Saul walked down the hall into jay's room & found him asleep. Then walked into Sasha's & found her looking passed out. He was the only one awake. Saul got back into bed & thought about his day today.

Saul thought: "this was supposed to happen for a reason! All this was meant to happen. To learn guitar, get in a band, get a record deal, have Arabella take us in, to be with all those women then go back to Bella, then to have kids with her & marry her. It was all meant to be, it was in his cards from the very beginning! He had to go thru so much to have so much, it was meant to be!" Saul was convinced with his thought & happily fell asleep.

The End...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2014 ⏰

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