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Axl's P.O.V

"we could spend our band anniversary together on Friday because I don't need to go the the party thingy to get a job until like 2 days!" Arabella seemed excited with the news but now we have to tell her "we got a gig on that night" her smile was still there but it wasn't quiet a smile anymore "you guys will still be able to make it right?" She asked us giving me those puppy dog yes "of course, love!" I hugged her tightly.

Arabella's P.O.V

the guys were walking out the door "love ya" they shouted and slammed the door before leaving "love you too" I quietly said and before sunset the boys called "hey baby girl!" I hear izzy' voice is was a bit raspy and deep "hey izzy what you guys up to?" I smiled "being lazy. We the going on stage in a minute..." they always called before going on stage just to hear a stupid speech that I'd give them all the time "alrite now listen, give it your all okay? Make this your best and make today better then yesterday slash get wild with the solos, duff go crazy on your guitar, izzy be izzy, Axl sing till you can't sing anymore and popcorn bang hard!" I stared out the big window showing the sun that was slowly going down I could feel the warm Cali air and the smell of the beach, I could see the beautiful people and amazing building, I heard laughter and the birds as they strolled past, I thought it'll be a good time "love ya!" the shouted and hung up "love you too" I watched out my window until the sun was fully gone, downstairs I had their gift out. I had got slash a new necklace it was a real shark tooth necklace he told me that he had one as a child but lost it while playing so I bought him a new one I also got him a new snake an boa constructer, duff got a new flask with a vodka bottle anything to drink would make him happy he also got a new mother cycle, it took me some extra work but I had got axl a bandana signed by Elton John his favorite and He got a custom pair of shoes that were red and white with his name printed in them, Steven once saw a hat with to cup holders on the side and he could drink outa of it he told me he wanted it so I got it for him he even got new smaller drums to practice on, izzy got a new shiny black Rhythm guitar he told me he'd always wanted one in that color and I bought him a small cap that made him look like a poet, I spent almost 3000 on everything but it's perfectly okay I love these boys and I'd know it'll make them happy. I made the boys an apple pie they all liked it but duff loved it, never supported their drinking or drug habits but I did but vodka gummy bears, I was strict on having drugs in my house it was dangerous I hated them except for boozes I will let that slide. By 2:00am the boys still hadn't came I never smoke cigarettes before but I felt like I needed one so I took two from slash's room and smoke it, by 2:30am I had 5 cigarettes and a half empty vodka bottle, I was pissed stressed and worried shitless! I sat alone listening Jimi Hendrix drinking all of duff's vodka and smoking all of slash's cigarettes. This is a really big night and the boys knew it was they should've of been home by now! I knew I was still the manager and all but I hadn't gone to 2 shows only because I needed to do thing and the boys understood but they need to understand how big tonight is and how they are leaving me hanging 3:40am they still weren't here I went on a long walk down to the beach. I sat on shore letting my intoxicated mind screw me over. I am not sure what time it was but I went back home and still no sign of the boys, I hate them I fucking hate them!

Duff's P.O.V

Thanks to Steven's dumbass we are all sitting in jail, he wanted to go streaking with strippers, we were very drunk still are but I can't remember what was so important about tonight that we had to do, oh well! "Okay okay let's try and remember what happened?!" Izzy waved his hands "okay well we were at roxy..." slash said "and we went to the strip club." izzy included "but didn't the all the strippers come walking around with us?" axl tapped his left foot "yeah yeah and then I pulled out the coke and that's when my he genius here had the bright idea to go streaking..." I threw my hand out "fuck you! slash was the one who started fucking things up by breaking windows and messing with shit!" Steven stood up "well I was the fucking idiot playing ding dong ditch!" slash referred to axl "bullshit I was taking the girl home." axl argued "after fucking her" izzy mumbled "and so what izzy you fuck some girl too!" I shouted "he is a guy you act like you were messing around with the girls too!" slash jumped up "they were all naked and we all fucked them publicly!" Steven told us "because of you!" we all screamed then there was a moment of silence "why do I have a guilty feeling?" axl randomly asked "I know me too what happened last night?" I joined in "dunno but I think we had to do something" izzy squinted his eyes "I know but oh well Bella would clear things up" Steven smiled "I love Arabella." slash randomly admitted "what the fuck, I do!" axl jumped up "are you fucking serious?!" I shouted "no I want her!" izzy screams "your dumb as shit she's mine!" Steven rolled his neck "I saw her first!" we were like kids then we calmed down again "you think Arabella's gonna be mad?" izzy asked "bout what?" slash put his hand on his jaw to hold his head up "cause like were in jail probably gonna have to go to court and shit" izzy pointed out "she won't be mad over this or anything" Steven smiled "yeah your right she loves us and could never get mad at us." slash smiled "free phone call for y'all each, curls you're up." the police guard pointed to slash then to the phone, slash went and called someone "Arabella!!" He said with a huge smile and in less then 5 second that smile disappeared "what happened!?" we all jumped outta our seats "she said 'fuck you, I fucking hate you' and hung up" he slowly took a seat and he had a weird facing of trying to understand what just happened. "Well maybe she would answer me." axl stood up and was given his free call, we all went down the line calling Arabella and got the same thing "fuck you" "fucking hate you" "fuck off" asshole" "jerk", she was mad and we had no idea why. Because the guard was being nice he said that he'd call Arabella and explain, the phone rang loud because it was on speaker, "hello mrs. Curtis, I'm officer Cody and I have your band in custody as of right now. We are located on the corner of fances st and mill st. If you chose to bail them out speak to me okay dear?" officer Cody stared at us "what the fuck did those idiots do now?!" I could hear the anger in her deep voice "vandalism and streaking" he stated and stared down at his shiny boots "how much would the bail be?" she was angry but she still loved us "800 for now but they would have to attended court this Saturday and they could get bailed for more or go to jail." He left the phone on speaker still but all you could hear is the sound when some ends the call, she clicked on us so hopefully she would be here soon.

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