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"What ! What you mean by that !" She hugged herself .
"Just because I'm married to you , that doesn't mean you have all the rights on me"

Omkara smirked and said "Oh are you that eager to sleep Jaan?"

Gauri glared at him and said "I'm not ! You're the one!"

Omkara walks towards her and move closer to her , Gauri shut her eyes shut as she can't handle the proximity.

Omkara sighed while placing the two glasses of wine beside the bed and said "Don't worry I'm not going to do anything to you"

Gauri opened her eyes and saw him sitting on the bed , she sighed in relief and sat beside him . Omkara turned the tv and the first thing that came on the tv was the news .

"The world famous businessman Omkara Singh Oberoi has got married , do you believe that Raj?" The female reporter ask the male reporter who was sitting beside her.

Raj chuckled and said "Don't ask me , I'm more than shocked . Can I believe that ? No..absolutely not ! I'm just wondering who is the girl who made that ruthless man fall in love ?

The female reporter chuckled and said "that's what I was wondering! Or she was just a gold digger ?"

Raj chuckled and said "that might be possible but who knows but to clarify all this Mr Oberoi is going to hold a press conference at 2pm which will be live .
Yes you've heard it correctly people , the press conference will be live"

The female smiled and said "Just announcing this make me have goosebumps , I can't even stand his presence ! Anyways see you all soon with many new and fantastic news , so stay tuned people"

Omkara chuckled coldly and whispered "gold digger huh"

Gauri was still in shock and asked "you announced the marriage?"

He nodded and said "I did but don't worry I don't intend to tell your identity but
Gauri looked at him and asked "what is it?"

Omkara smirked and said "I dont intend to tell your identity only if you tell me , why you married me?" With that he took a sip of his wine .

Gauri sighed and said " Fine! If that's what you want then listen! I married you out of frustration, I'm going to take revenge of my ex" she look at his expression and saw nothing , he was just hearing everything carefully but he didn't show any emotions.
She sighed again and continued "He was caught kissing with another girl yesterday , and we were going to married today but" she sighed and took a sip of her wine .
She continued;
"Don't worry I don't need your help ; I know I've become a burden to you but I won't use your money . This is my business and I won't cause you any trouble to you it ,and I won't stop you from falling in love with someone else , it's after all your life ; huh .
With that she smiled sadly and before she could take another sip of her wine Omkara stopped her and said " I made a rule of no cheating so it's also applied to me, I also made a rule of no lying so that means I also need to follow it"

After he said this , he started to moving forward and kiss her . Gauri was in daze , she was looking at his deep intense eyes and felt that he was hiding many things. She was ready but Omkara sighed and said "good night" with that he got up and walked out of the room.

Gauri sighed in relief and said "am I out of my mind?"

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Gauri woke up because of the sunlight and which was hitting her face , it was warm and bright .
She smiled and said "Get ready for a new start Gauri Kumari Sharma" with that she stretched her body and starts getting ready.

After 30 mins , there is knock on the door . She looked at the clock and found that it's was already 8.30am , "Come in" she said with light tone .

A maid came in and said "Mam ; sir is waiting for you downstairs" Gauri was confused and she asked "why he is waiting for me?" The maid simply replied "To have breakfast with you mam"

Her eyes widened and she looks at her self , she was wearing a simple black blouse and a pastel pink skirt .

Her eyes widened and she looks at her self , she was wearing a simple black blouse and a pastel pink skirt

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Then she look herself in the mirror and nodded .

Omkara was asking Rudra ask all the details of this afternoon press conference, but stopped when he saw Gauri coming down from the stairs .
He just gestured her to sit and continued his talk with khanna .

Gauri didn't mind at all because she was busy admiring the food which was served in front of her .
She just love food and she knew that it's was all for him and her ; she was very satisfied with the menu .

Omkara saw the glimmer in Gauri's eyes and smirked as it was so obvious that she love food which clearly reflected on her face .
After seeing that , he ordered Rudra to leave and tuned to Gauri and asked "What time should I pick you up?"

Gauri heard him and said "I won't be coming home today , I have many surgeries to do , so you don't have to come"

Omkara stopped eating and said " I want you to home by 12 and the ex of yours is quiet annoying ; I just don't like him at the first glance it self so I won't let you go stay there the whole day"

Gauri look at him with disbelief and asked "Are you really cold blooded businessman, I mean people are scared even with your presence and here you talking about my ex"

Omkara smirked and said "You'll know that in this afternoon" Gauri just shook her head and they just continued eat in silence .

After their breakfast, Omkara dropped Gauri to the hospital but before letting her go he said " keep your guards up and if you see anything which will beat proof of your revenge then take it , understood?"

Gauri heard every word he said and couldn't help but admire him , she nodded and reply with smile "Yes sir; now I'm I understood how you become the world famous businessman"

Omkara just smirked and said "You still have many things to learn"

Gauri just rolled her eyes and said "Need your special guidance Master Oberoi ; Okay i will be going now , bye"

"Remember you only have time till 12; no matter what you have to be home , I'll come pick up" he said .

She heard Omkara but she just ignored him .
As she walks towards the hospital; she saw Tia who was hesitating for some reason . It's was kinda weird.

Gauri walked towards her and asked "Hey Tia , what are you doing?" She knew all about her and Ajay but she pretend like she don't know .

Tia turned and saw Gauri , she was startled but she smile warily and said. "He Gauri ; good morning , let's go in together" she saw that Gauri's dressing styled has changed but she acted as if she didn't see.

Gauri smirked as Tia turned around to walk further ; a paper from her bag came off and it fell right infront of Gauri .

Gauri saw that Tia was unaware of this so she thought of calling her but she stopped because of the words which were written on the paper .

Pregnancy test : positive

Gauri's eyes turned cold as she said " So he knocked her up , huh?"

Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi (GOD HAS MADE THIS MATCH) - SS (short story) ~ completed ~Where stories live. Discover now