Zindagi mein kuch rishtey hum khud chunte hai ... aur kuch rishtey Rabji hamare liye chunte hai.
In life we choose some relationships ... and God chooses some for us.
Gauri Kumari Sharma saw her fiancée cheat on her just the day before their wedding...
It's was already 6pm and Gauri was all ready in her beautiful gown , well you all know it's courtesy of who . Yeah of , her beloved husband , Mr.Omkara .
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She was sitting on the chair , in front of the mirror , but she was very excited to meet the Evil family of Omkara .
She sighed and soon there was a knock on the door , she said "come in"
The door so opened and the person who stood by the door was none other than Omkara , himself . He was wearing ...
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His heart skipped a beat when he saw . When he saw , he thought even his imagination failed to suppress the ethereal beauty that he is looking at now . His imagination failed to justice to this beauty.
He smiled as he walked towards her and said "Damn biwi , why you need to be this much beautiful ? Do I even deserve you? Just look at you , you look like angel who came to earth"
Gauri stood up from her chair and turned her face to him , she smiled and said "well Mr.Oberoi , you don't look bad either and talking about deserving , for your information no one deserve me better than you"
They both let out chuckled and soon Omkara took a small bottle from his pocket . Gauri looked at it and asked "what is this?"
He smiled and said "well this will show me the path towards you in case" he paused a little and said "if you're lost" he sprayed it over her nape and wrist . He smiled and said "good , now I don't need to afraid"
Gauri smiled and said "I don't think you'll ever lose me Om, I don't think your family will be that cruel" she patted his chest as if comforting him.
He smirked and said "well you know how cruel are they when you meet them , my love" with that he offered his arm and continued "its time for us to get going , our guest are waiting for us for a long time"
Gauri took his arms happily and said "I'm very excited to see what you're family like , Om"
He chuckled and said "oh, believe me . I'm sure you're going to abhor them." With that they both start to heading down . He gave his sexy smirk and said "I almost forget to tell you that , there will be a big show tonight , so keep stay by my side"
Gauri know that this was Omkara she was taking to ,and the show most probably will on exposing some ugly truth so she just smiled and nodded without expressing anything.
Meanwhile in the hall , everyone was whispering and chuckling . It's was a normal atmosphere but there was one thing which everyone had in common which was 'Fake smile'
Soon the music on the hall stop as soon as the musicians saw Gauri and Omkara walking down from the stairs , as expected the hall went silent .
The family members had smile on their face but their eyes hold an old resentment for this man and this was very visible.
Omkara stood in front of them and said "well welcome my dear ...family , was it? He asked Gauri as she nodded and said "yes , obviously"
He nodded and laughed "Hmm...welcome my dear family and friends to this party . I feel very happy that you'll have accepted my invitation. I hope you'll a great night" with that he waved his hand for the musician to start play again .
Gauri looked at the crowd and said "you said there will be only family members will be present but why reporters and business magnets are here?"
He smiled slyly and said "as expected my wife , you're very keen aren't you ? Don't you remember that I told you that there will going to be a show tonight?" He turned look at her and smile lovingly.
This scene was seen by many , it's was indeed a lovely scene for outsider but it was very frustrating one for insiders .
Only walked towards his father with Gauri .
Tej saw them walking towards him but he just stood there with a glass of wine and an expressionless face . He haven't seen his daughter in law in person but after seeing her talk and walk with Omkara so freely , he understood that it's better if he doesn't mess with her as he can clearly see how much she meant for Omkara.
Omkara stopped when he came face to face with his father , he said "Good evening Mr.Oberoi and as I promised I have brought Gauri , My beloved wife to meet you . Gauri this is my father Mr.Tej Singh Oberoi , and Mr.Oberoi , this is my wife Gauri Singh Oberoi or..."
Gauri was confused but she didn't ask anything about it . She just offered her hand to him and said "it's very nice to meet you , Mr Oberoi"
Tej nodded and shook his her hand as he said "it's nice to meet you also beta,you can call me father" he let go her hand immediately . He then turn to Omkara and said "I don't see your brother , do you know where is he ?"
"Oh ,Mr.Oberoi how can I know where he is , we never asked about our personal lives before and we are not even" he smirked and continued "leave it , I hope you'll enjoy the party" with that he walked .
Tej regretted every single day of his life , he never thought his ignore to Omkara can turn him into a devil . He sighed and said " it was the worst decision of my life" with that he gulped his wine.
Omkara was about to meet another member of his family when the entrance door opened and there stood Samar and his wife Nancy .
Gauri looked at the entrance and smiled "I must tell you that , Your family entrance is really dramatic ...hubby"
Omkara chuckled and said "are you trying to seduce me by calling me like that, wifey"
As they both chuckled and smiled , Samar and Nancy has already reached towards them . Nancy looked at Omkara and Gauri's entangled arms , she couldn't help but tear up a little .
Gauri saw her eyes and understood that something was ...just not right . She turned her eyes to Omkara and saw that his face was expressionless .
She looked at Nancy again but her eyes turned to Samar and said "it's nice to meet you again , Mr.Oberoi"
Samar looked at her , smiled and said "it's nice to meet you again too , Gauri . Sorry to barge into your ward this , i was just very excited to meet you"
Gauri nodded and said "I saw that after you replaced my medicines with yours , anyway i can also can see that someone else also is very excited to meet someone else" her eyes turned to Nancy who looking Omkara as if she would swallow him .
Nancy looked at Gauri and noticed that she's very beautiful , she know she is nothing in front of her so she averted her eyes . However she heard Gauri said " Hello I'm Gauri , May I know your name?"
Samar saw that Nancy wasn't responding , as result he said "She is my wife and her name is Nancy , please pardon her silence . She is very reserved and doesn't like to speak to strangers"
Gauri let a sarcastic chuckled and said "we are not strangers , we are family , oh I forget we aren't considered as a happy family right , I'm sorry it's my mistake" with that she chuckled again .
Onkara smiled feeling satisfied and said "so brother , tell me how is your restaurant working?"
Before Samar could answer ,the entrance door burst open and someone shouted "what is a prostitute doing here ?"