Fourty One

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"It all started when we were in college" he said.

Gauri sighed .

"Nancy was a shy girl and very introvert, she never talk much but she is very good in studies . She always got A's and she sit beside me in the class . I barely notice her but it all changed when all sudden she confess to me . She claimed that she loves me ,that time honestly I didn't know what to do as a result I accepted her proposal and we start dating . We've been in relationships and everything was going on smoothly . After 2 years ,  One day Samar came home with a very happy smile and announced that he has finally found girlfriend. Mr.Oberoi was very happy for him but he also advised him too focus on the studies.

Well I don't bother much about it , and didn't even express my opinion about it . The very next day , I don't know what I was exactly doing but I was searching for something in the study room and that's when he brought his girlfriend home . I was very curious , so I went to hall to take a peek." Omkara take pause then he chuckled .

"As I walked out , I realised that the girl who he was talking about was Nancy"

Gauri shocked and ask "so you mean , she?"

Omkara nodded and said "yes she was double dating and she have no idea that we both are brothers. After I saw her , I couldn't help but go with the flow . I was already under torture of my family , so I couldn't just go to me and claim that she is my girlfriend. Nancy was indeed shock when she saw me but she also went with the flow . After that day , I asked her whether she really love Samar or not and surprising she said she doesn't love him . She said she was forced into that relationship and it's one side love . Being such a fool that time , I trust , then we continued to date and ....."he stopped .

Gauri looked at him and his position changed automatically. He was sitting opposite to her with his leg crossed, with a fake smile he continued "unfortunately she heard that I was the illegitimate son of Oberoi family as a result she left and married Samar . It was very clear , everything she did was for money"

Gauri eyes widened as she asked "then why she still loves you?"

He laughed hysterically and said "Gauri you still think she loves me ? No! She doesn't , after she got married into Oberoi family , she somehow got to know the truth so she turned everything over me and created more hatred between me and Samar."

Gauri make face and said "that is so disgusting"

He nodded "yes , and that's is the main reason why I choose to stay away from woman till people start to think that I'm a Gay and they even thought I'm in relationship with Rudra . I hate woman but everything changed when I found you. You changed my whole perception Gauri . You have turned my world upside down."

Gauri smiled .

Omkara moved closer to her and he placed her hand and start to caress her cheeks "thank you for coming into my life and I glad that woman that Rudra randomly choose one of my business partner's daughter. We made a deal and trust me I never even seen her before . I knew nothing about her . If she had turned up that day , that would be the first time I would've seen her . I was under pressure , Mr.Oberoi put a new rules all of sudden , he said he will transfer his shares only if I got married , if not he will transfer everything under Samar's name . I was very shocked and angry . He know very well that I'm more capable than Samar .He was one of the major share holder and some other share holders was on his side . He leave me no choice , I don't want to get married at all after this Nancy fiasco, I lost my trust in woman. So I came out with the deal , but thank god , that woman never turned up on time ..." he paused. He stand up and kiss her forehead before sit back on his seat. Then continued "but he send you instead"

Gauri smiled at him and said "I glad that I took that decision, if not I wouldn't have opportunity to get married to a Hot and Sexy Millionaire"

Omkara chuckled.

"You think I'm sexy and hot ?" He asked with amusement.

"Don't act like you don't know , woman are throwing themselves to you Omkara and don't ever look at yourself in the mirror?" She asked with rolled eyes.

He pulled her into his lap and hugged her from behind .  Gauri could feel his warm breath fanning on her neck . Gauri gulped when she feel his lips near her ears . "But I think you're more hot when you scream my name "Om" he whisper huskily . Her heart was pounding . His words bring some kind of heat to her body and she know very well where is this going . She quickly pushed his hands and stand up . She straighten her blouse and skirt.

Omkara smirked , knowing how much it's affect her .

"That's a relief that you've noting to do with Nancy , I thought you had still have feeling for her" she change the topic to divert the sexual tension which was created by him .

"Why would I've feeling for that kind  of woman and did you saw the news?" He said.

Gauri was puzzled "what news?"

He took his phone and passed to her and said "you should see this."

Gauri's eyes widened and her mouth opens agape when she saw the news .

Omkara smirk evilly.

"Are you kidding me ?" Gauri asked him.

"Well this was not enough for whatever they did.." his conversation was interrupted by the door knock .

Going back to his OSO mood ,Omkara said "come in"

His PA came over to remind him about the conference .

Omkara went to conference while Gauri decide to be at his office .Gauri stayed with Omkara the whole day , she read book as she doesn't want to disturb Omkara . He was busy working on something on his laptop with open hair and glasses on . In between she glance at his serious figure and with realising she  fall a sleep.

It was already night ,and the lights on Omkara's office was still on . The staffs have already left the building but he was still caught up in the work . After he managed to finish some of it , he looked at the time and it's already 10pm .

He looked at Gauri and found her asleep in couch . He sighed and said "I'm such an idiot" he walked towards her and sat beside her . He stared at her beautiful face for a long before placing a soft kiss on her forehead, making sure that he don't wake her up .

He was about to pick her up when his phone started to buzzing all of sudden in his pocket . He sigh irritatingly and answered "Hello!"

"Malik, the work that you've assigned Mr.Raj , has already been done and I've send the details to your email . Is there any other work to do?" Rudra asked .

Omkara sighed and replied " I want you to book the best hotel in Paris and I'll be having 10 days free so book for 9 nights."

Rudra raised his eyebrows as he smirked before saying "yes I would do that , Malik"

Omkara nodded and said "okay" with that he hung up . He turned his gaze to Gauri and smiled softly .  He slowly picked her up and whisper "I might've not given you a proper wedding but I definitely will be giving you a proper honeymoon my love" he placed another soft peck on her nose and started to walk towards elevator.

He placed her carefully on the sit beside him and put seat beat before he drove away .

Gauri slowly opened her eyes only to feel the warmth behind her , she know that it was Omkara ; she cuddled more into his embrace and continued to close her eyes .

Omkara smiled and pulled her closer to him and mumble in his sleep "don't ever leave me , Gauri"

Gauri smiled softly  against his skin and whispered "I won't"

With that both of them fall into deep slumber .

Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi (GOD HAS MADE THIS MATCH) - SS (short story) ~ completed ~Where stories live. Discover now