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Gauri woke up feeling warm , she snuggled and said "so comfy"

"Is it now?"

"Hmmm....it's very comfy" her hand tightened around him.

"If you want, we can sleep like this from tonight"

Gauri nodded "sleep like this forever? Thats....wait" she moved her hands up and down and she realised that it's was very hard , then it's hits her

Oh no

She opened her eyes wide and looked up . She saw that Omkara was staring at her , she pushed him away and said "What are you doing?"

Omkara chuckled and said "you're the one who hugged me first and wasn't ready to let me go . How come it become my fault ? You even said "it's so comfy"

Gauri was very embarrassed. Her face turned bright red, she threw pillow at Omkara and shouted "JERK"

Omkara shrugged and said with a calm face "You came first , not me"

Gauri stomped towards bathroom to get fresh . Omkara look at her retreating figure and smirk.

After Gauri was ready , she got call from Mr Dev. She look at the watch and found that it's was 7.30 am and she sighed in relief . She answered the call by saying "Good Morning Mr Dev"

"I hope you'll be on time , Dr.Gauri". The shooting will start exactly at 10.00am, and I hope we won't be disappointed by you"

Gauri laughed and said "Mr.Dev I've never disappointed anyone ,it's just that people doesn't leave a chance to disappoint me , *chuckles* don't worry , Mr.Dev I'll be on time"

"Okay , then I'll be waiting ,take care Dr.Gauri"

"You too Mr.Dev" with that she hung up ,she walked downstairs and saw Omkara on the phone . She sighed and walked towards him .

Omkara saw Gauri and hung up his call , he opened the main door for Gauri to walk out . He followed back and said "Gauri ,don't mess with Mr.Dev . He is the person who remembers the people who mess with him"

Gauri nodded  but she stopped and ask "How did you know Mr.Dev?"

Omkara walked pass her and saying "just a guess"

She narrowed her eyes and continue walking . Omkara opened the car door for her and said "I was the one , who urge him to choose you" he winked and walked on the side to sit beside her .

Gauri mind went blank after she saw him sit next to her and asked "how did you do that?"

Omkara chuckled and said "This is business , if you have a plan then be ready because someone already has the plan which will crush your plan" after he said  that his phone rang and he got busy over his work.

Gauri couldn't help but admire him. She sighed silently and look out at the scenery which passed by.

She reached her destination,  she got out of the car without looking back ; she walk towards the studio . She entered the studio exactly at 8.00am . The first she met was Mr.Dev , who welcomed her with smile and said "you're exactly on time , let's get moving". She nodded and soon she reached her dressing room where he introduced the make up artist to her and said "She is Neha and this one is Shaleeni . Neha will take care your make up and shaleeni will take of your clothing , so just relax"

After introducing everything and the main people in the dressing room , he left . Gauri smiled at Neha and Shaleeni as she said "I hope today's shoot will be the best"

Both girls nodded and said "this will be a live interview; so all the very best to you"

Gauri was shocked ; wasn't this shoot for advertisement? then how did it turn out to be a live interview? She calmed herself down and took a seat .
Soon her make up started and she was still in her in thought about what to say . This wasn't her first time to appear on the screen but she was just nervous because it has been 3 years since then .

It took one hour for the make up and 30 minutes for the dress up and styling . She took a seat and started claiming herself , she closed her eyes and started thinking about all positive things .Soon the 30 minutes passed and someone came in to inform her that the set is ready . She took a deep breath and stood up , with a chin up ; she walked out of the dressing room .

She walked out and saw that everyone was looking at her and were admiring her , she wore simple yet soothing dress .

She walked out and saw that everyone was looking at her and were admiring her , she wore simple yet soothing dress

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The color was looking good on her and it was making her more attractive. She smiled and walk towards Mr.Dev.

Mr.Dev was talking to the director when he saw Gauri walking towards him . He couldn't be but be in awe , he stared at her for a long time . Gauri wasn't able to recognise that's something was wrong , she stood in front of him and said "Mr.Dev , how i supposed to enter and what should give more importance too?"

He averted his eyes by looking at the papers in his hands ,after a while he said "You can enter when your name is announced and don't take too long to answer a question , this is a live show so we don't have much time and He look at her and said "Rahul is fine"

Gauri was quite confused , she was calling him "Mr.Dev" since the day one ; he never even once objected it but why all of sudden ? She got goosebumps but she ignored and said "okay if that's you want"

She walked towards the studio and Rahul saw her walk away .After awhile he whispered "now , isn't she a bomb which full of surprises; interesting , I can't resist, can I ?

Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi (GOD HAS MADE THIS MATCH) - SS (short story) ~ completed ~Where stories live. Discover now