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The shoot soon started.

"Welcome to We know the best Show, thank you for  giving us many views . Since today is the 100th anniversary we are going live . In our show many celebrities and many achievers came but today let's us welcome a surgeon here . She can bring the dead to life, Please welcome Dr.Gauri Kumari Sharma"

Gauri was at backstage and she look at the host as if she was mad "how can anyone bring dead person alive? Is she gone mad?" She sighed and walk on the stage with full of confidence and a smile which made her face glow.

The host Gauri a hug and said "you smell nice"  in response Gauri just laughed and said "every doctor smell nice" the host chuckled and they both took their seat.

"You're so beautiful Dr.Gauri , so tell me are you married? I mean every man in this world want to know"

What's every man in this world now ? This lady seriously out of her mind .

She laughed and said "oh , yes I'm married"

The crowd "woahed" and so the host ,she looked at Gauri in shock and asked "who is he?"

Gauri looked at her in the eyes and said "He is one the most powerful man in our country" at this everyone laughed , they thought she were joking .

The host smiled and said "oh that was , good one, you're a doctor , so are you in good term with your boss?"

Gauri laughed and said "Yes I am , my boss is a very nice person , he even helped me to get my cheeks skin glow which I'm very thankful for" she look at the camera then continued "I'm very thankful to you boss , because you're the reason i am here"

The host immediately know that something was off . The boss might have slapped her , she has been a host for 10 years and she have met many antics in this world . She was sure by now the media will be in chaos.

She smiled and said "you're very lucky to have boss like him"


Ajay was seeing the live show and was very furious.
He know that Gauri did this on purpose, the common people on the audience may not know but what's wrong with her speech but the media will definitely know . His hospital is famous and so is he ,but if something like this gets out what face he will show to the world?


Omkara halted his work just to watch the live show . He smirked and ordered Rudra "after this show is over give that footage to the media but make sure that Gauri's part is not available , in short cut her part"

Rudra nodded and responded "understood, Malik"


The live show come to end after 1 hour , the host thanked her and said while giving Gauri her business card "thank you for your cooperation, if you feel like you need someone to talk to ; don't hesitate to call me" with that she left .

Gauri changed her self into her normal clothing and sighed "today was very tiring" as she took her bag , someone knock her door ; she opened the door and saw Rahul . She sighed internally but smiled and said "Thank you for trusting me , Mr.Dev; I have to leave"she was about to walk past him but he said "I'll drop you"

Gauri again got goosebumps , "something is seriously isn't right" , she smiled and said "Mr.Dev I don't want to trouble you with this matter . I know you're busy quite busy , so now excuse me" with that she walk away.

Rahul look at her retreating figure and frowned "tak, such a waste of time"

Gauri got into taxi and told the driver the address of the hospital. As the taxi was moving , the driver suddenly stated the conversation "you're boss is really shameless miss , how can he slap you ?"

Gauri was confused and asked "how did you know that?"

The driver chucked and said "seems like you don't know,here" he showed his mobile where the video of Ajay slapping her was going viral . Netizens were sympathising her .

Now I understand what she meant by glowing cheek ; her boss is truly shameless.

"Dr.Gauri is very nice , she even lied about this ; I support you Dr.Gauri"

She started laughing and gave back his phone , said "Mr.driver you made my day ! Thank you"

The driver smile and said "it's my pleasure, young lady"

She just nodded and started thinking ; who might be recorded it and gave it to the media , the person even cut off the part where she was slapping ajay . She close her eyes and the answer she got was "Omkara Singh Oberoi" she smirked and said "you did this , didn't you?"

Meanwhile in the office , Ajay and everyone was in chaos , "how did this happen?"

The staff who worked there was also shocked yet happy ,but they couldn't express it .  The secretary who tried bribe the reporters came running in the office and said "Sir , it doesn't work , someone is offering 10 times the amount we are offering"

Ajay stood up from his chair and shouted "What ? Who is that person?"

The secretary stook her head and said "They said it's confidential sir"

Ajay hand turned into fist and his expression turned very horrible.  He ordered his secretary "Call Gauri , fast!" His secretary was about to call Gauri but before she could Gauri entered herself , "You doesn't need to call me and why you're shouting so loud?  Your voice coming out in the corridor."

She walked calmly and took her seat beside him. Seeing her so calm , he couldn't help but get angry . He felt like his head could burst anytime because of this anger , "you're asking why I'm shouting ?" Gauri simply nodded and said "yes that's right , why you're shouting?" She asked calmly .

Hearing her speaking so calmly, making him more angrier. He finally slammed his hand on the table and shout again "you gave the video to the media right ? I never expected you to go so low to frame me!!"

Hearing him speak in such a way as if he was the victim and she was the culprit made Gauri laugh. She tucked her hair behind her ears and said "Frame you ? Are you kidding me ? I don't even have any connection with media and by now it should have down from the internet , tell if it was really me would the video be so viral and will the media would refuse your bribe? And by the way I'm the victim not you"she walks towards the door and stopped , she turned around and said "Ajay ,you will regret this , not immediately but very soon, I give my word" with that she walked away .

Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi (GOD HAS MADE THIS MATCH) - SS (short story) ~ completed ~Where stories live. Discover now