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The maid was total clueless , she doesn't know how she supposed to answer because Gauri was right beside her all the time , how did she simply disappear just like that.

She looked at Omkara with fear and confusion in her eyes and said " madam don't know...she was right here ...I don't even feel any movement beside me , I don't ...know how this happen.."

Omkara straighten himself and turned to look at the guest , he faked smile with a very calm face "everyone ,  I'm very sad to say this . The party have to stop here because I got a call from an important client due to it I won't able to continue this party anymore . I'm very sorry for this and you'll may take your leave now" he said .

The guest sighed in disappointment but they bid their farewell and left from there .

Omkara couldn't take it anymore, his head was pounding and he could feel his nerves are twitching . He rushed upstairs to his room and opened his laptop. He was feeling very frantic at this point because even though he could locate Gauri but what if Samar? No he wouldn't dare too... he shook his head and started focus on locating her .

Suddenly he smelled the fragrance which he left on Gauri's nape and wrist . He acted like he was calling Rudra "i need to find , Gauri's location now" he walked towards the door and switched off the light signalling that he is leaving the room , the last blow was to shut the door .

Omkara knew that they are in his room and he was just fooling Samar . He stood in the corner silently and just as expected the bathrooms's door opened . Omkara's eyes narrowed dangerously , he understood that samar has master plan on his hand but he (Samar) calculated wrongly .

Samar took Gauri took to Omkara's room because he thought Omkara will never come in here , he thought that Omkara will run out of the house without thinking much about it and this will buy him more time to get his plan started .

Omkara still stood there silently but what shocked him most was , Nancy also exited the bathroom with Samar . His limit was almost reached its end when he saw Samar but when he Samar is holding Gauri is very wrong way , his limit was exploded . He clench his fists.

He wanted to stay there for a little more but Gauri's voice made it unbearable . "Om" she moaned in very seductive manner . He can't stand there anymore . He walked slowly and silently behind Samar .

Samar on the another hand was totally unaware of the presence behind him , he was staring Gauri's body with very much interest . He finally understood why Omkara is so much attracted to this rare beauty . All credit to the waiter who help him to deliver the special drink to Gauri .

He looked at Nancy beside him and smiled and as he about to say something to her  , he felt a sudden pain on his neck and he lost his conscious.

Nancy saw Samar fell on the ground and she gasped in horror "who's there?" She asked with a trembling voice . Suddenly she collided with Omkara's eyes which shine in dark like a lion . She shuddered and asked "Omkara?"

Omkara looked at Nancy with disgust and said "I'm regretting that I kept you alive for all these years , i should've killed you back then" with that he hit her neck too and she also lost conscious.

He tuned on the light and saw Gauri in very seducing state and he immediately understood that she was heavily drugged . He sighed and called Rudra "come to my room now" with that he hung up . He covered Gauri with blanket, so Rudra won't able to she her state .

After few seconds , Rudra arrived and as he walked into the room he saw Samar and his wife lying on the floor . He gasps silently but didn't doubt on Omkara as he pretty sure that these two are behind Gauri missing schemes.

He bowed a little and said "how can I help you , Malik?"

Omkara pointed at the bodies and said "remove their clothes and left them on the street . Tomorrow should be the best day on the life"

Rudra nodded and said "understood, Malik" with that he had tied both husband and wife together and started to pulling them of the room .

Gauri "Om , where are you? I'm feeling hot"

Omkara turned to Gauri and took of the blanket from her body . She was flushed and breathing heavily .  She soon started to remove her clothes , Omkara tried to stop her but she was very strong . She was out of control . As she was very heavily drugged  , it's no possible to calm down with bucket of ice water , it won't work either . Omkara gritted his teeth and said "Damn Gauri , never have in my dreams I have imagined that our first time will be end up like this"

He saw Gauri opened her eyes slowly and she smiled . She moved closer to him and hugged him tight as she whispered near his ear " why you're so handsome Omkara?" He could feel her warm breathing fanning on his neck . He gulped .
She then continued "I'm so afraid that you'll be taken by someone else, Om" and this time her breath was on his nape and he couldn't take it anymore.
"I'm sorry , Gauri but you left me with no choice.  I know you'll probably very mad tomorrow morning but we have no choice."

He pushed her softly on the bed and stared at her beautiful amber eyes which reflected his image . He sighed and whispered again "im sorry , Gauri"  with that he closed the distance between them by kissing her lips . Gauri kisses him back with more passion . He know that this is not right and she not in her senses right but he has no choice.

Gauri was giving out moans very loudly and this was enough to turn Omkara on . She was in moaning mess . Omkara felt his name never sound beautifully as it now .  He started to circling on her stomach to make her comfortable.

But Gauri getting much more fierce than she had when they kissed before . She entangled his long lock on her hand , she bit his lips and took her entrance cleverly .

Omkara groaned as he thought "this is suppose to be my part , once you come in senses , you owe me very big time , Gauri" he was little mad with her action but since he know that it's not her but the drugs . He let her lips go and started to sucking on her nape . This move made Gauri moan even louder , he groaned again as her moans were so seducing, even make his body hotter .

He unzipped her gown but Gauri immediately went on top of him and soon the night got longer than usual.

Meanwhile , Rudra who was outside the room , could hear the movement inside Omkara's room . He blush and thought "his boss is very fierce in bed" but he didn't know that the one who is actually fierce was his madam not his boss .

Precap :

Omkara : still it's hurts , Gauri .
Saying that he went to shower , leaving guilty Gauri .

Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi (GOD HAS MADE THIS MATCH) - SS (short story) ~ completed ~Where stories live. Discover now