Chapter 2 - Aurora

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Hey guys sorry for this but I have to put a warning here when needed, this chapter will contain STRONG LANGUAGE and will touch on certain subjects that might be sensitive to some, please be advised that I would recommend no persons under the age of 18 to read it, although it won't be Explicit or have any sexual scenes in it but this chapter will have strong language in it as will the rest of the book because these two characters happen to have a very colourful vocabulary 😂 Anyways that'll be all for now 😉 Remember, you have been WARNED!!! Hope you ENJOY 💜

Hey guys sorry for this but I have to put a warning here when needed, this chapter will contain STRONG LANGUAGE and will touch on certain subjects that might be sensitive to some, please be advised that I would recommend no persons under the age o...

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Aurora's POV

5 years ago I met the only man that can make my heart beat erratically, my stomach twist in knots and my breathing stop all at the same time. For the normal female population that would mean they fell in love on first sight but not me though, that only showed me that he was sex on legs, the attraction that was there instantly was due to his obvious charm and good looks and that showed just how dangerous he really is which is the type of man I should stay clear from, his the type that'll use that against a woman, charm his way into her panties and then her mind and lastly her heart and soul until he has everything.

I know I might sound like a bitter woman that was wronged by a man and now makes the rest pay for that one man's mistakes but that's not the case at all. I'm not denying the fact that I have been wronged by an asshole in so many ways then I can actually care to remember but that isn't why I am the way I am. That experience taught me one main thing and that is that love doesn't exist, it's a scam men wants us women to believe in and uses the lust that it actually is, against us to corrupted our brain and hearts.

I know I sound Damaged and in many ways I am, there's no denying that but I am also wiser Because of everything I've been through. And I can confidently say that lust is always mistaken for love and so is attraction mistaken for love at first sight. When I saw him I wanted him in my bed, nothing more but the way he looked at me was the same way HE looked at me in the beginning, like I was the most beautiful woman he saw, like I stole his heart the second he saw me but that's bullshit and Because I know Dante is one of those blind people that's driven by lust, I knew I couldn't go there no matter how much I wanted him to fuck me.

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