Chapter 28 - They didn't make it...

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Hey guys🙋 FIRSTLY, I just want to say that I'm so sorry that you had to wait for two weeks for an update but I'm sure you all know by now why I couldn't update 😫 but I am back now. SECONDLY, I want to warn you guys that this chapter and the following, will have very sad scenes in them and might be sensitive to some, and I'm sorry for that. Also this chapter will be fully from a third person POV, because it made it easier to show you all bits about everything that's happening as most of it will be happening at once! Instead of switching POV's every few paragraphs 😂.

Well that's it for now, please read the following two chapters with an OPEN MIND and please do remember certain hints I'll be leaving in both chapters because it will help you figure out who the enemy is and will help you understand the plot😏 SO TAKE NOTE!!! Hope you guys enjoy😉 AND PLEASE READ THE ⚠IMPORTANT AUTHORS NOTE⚠ AT THE END...!!!😘



SAME DAY - (Sat, 18 February 2023)

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SAME DAY - (Sat, 18 February 2023)

Third party POV

Kiara was screaming and crying as they drove off, James had no choice but to continue speeding down the road knowing he needed to get them away fast, following protocol, which meant he had to get them to the safehouse only 9 people knew about, not the safehouse where they normally would go to but this is the newly acquired safehouse Stephano had gotten the day he was back in position after the war in London. James was speeding away ignoring the cries of the three children and their mother, neither James nor Kiara noticed Aurora bleeding or the fact that she was quietly groaning in pain, well that's until she couldn't hold back a cry, which of course alerted James that something was wrong.

"Aurora what's wrong?" James asked looking at her through the review mirror, finally catching Kiara's attention as well, which alerted her that Aurora was not doing well which made her move closer to inspect Aurora who didn't or couldn't respond to James. Kiara wrapped her arm around Aurora and pulled her closer, which caused Aurora to scream in pain and when Kiara pulled her arm back to thoroughly check Aurora, she noticed that not only was her hand and arm full of blood but the seat as well as Aurora's clothes were soaked in her blood.

"James, hospital now! She's been shot!" Kiara yelled, wiping her own tears away and practically jumping back into action, trying to push the scene of her husband falling to the ground, out of her head so she could focus on getting her kids to safety and getting her best friend the medical attention she needs.

"Kiara I need you to check where she's been shot, then I need you to cover to wound in order to stop the bleeding, she's pregnant and cannot lose that much blood, also I need you to keep her calm, I'll get us to the hospital as fast as I can" James instructed Kiara knowing that he should get her as fast as he could to the hospital because she's pregnant and any gunshot wounds could be fatal to the fetus as well as the mother.

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