Chapter 42 - Changes Needs To be Made

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3 DAYS LATER - (Fri, 10 March 2023)

Dante's POV

It's been three days since Gabby's attack, she was brought home yesterday by Steph himself. Yeah he couldn't pretend to be dead when our sister needed both of us, well in his mind she needed us which is why he revealed himself to her. When she saw him she screamed and nearly lost it, I think it's because she thought she was losing her damn mind, but in the end Steph handled himself well.

He was patient with her, and as unbelievable as it might sound, he was soft and gentle with her, he held her and let her cry on his shoulder and then he told her in detail how he chopped those assholes that hurt her up into pieces. And that little details he shared was in his brute manner, he shared it with her as if his sharing a bed time story and although we all could see that she was still traumatized and not at all herself, she still acted as if she was happy to hear the little details he shared with her, while she was laying in his arms, mind you.

So Gabby instructed the doctor about her duty, meaning she wasn't allowed to share the results of her examination with any of us, and when we got to the hospital yesterday Steph and I practically cornered the doctor in her husband's office and threatened her to share, but that woman is as stubborn as fucking mule, she wouldn't go into detail, just told us that we "need not to worry" Gabby is clean, that she has no infection or diseases, and that the doc made sure that she wouldn't fall pregant.

That information told us enough to know that those scum had indeed raped her, but Gabby refused to go into detail, but the doctor advised us once Gabby is fully recovered physically, we should get her to speak to someone because keeping it all bottled up won't be of any help and might make matters worse for her, but until then we need to give her time, that we shouldn't push her to talk about it. Strange enough Steph took this to heart and warned everyone not to push Gabby and to let her be!

I'm currently in the conference room at the mansion because Steph had called a meeting for this morning. Last night Steph and I stayed here again and no matter how many times I asked him what his planning, he wouldn't budge, and it worries me but the moment I walked into the conference room and saw who all is present, I started to worry even more because it wasn't just the usual guys, which is Gio, Elijah, Jayden and James.

No today it wasn't just us, it was the five of us, plus Francesco, Paul, Sam, Chris, Rick, Brad, Carl and shockingly enough Lui the manager of the warehouse too. So yeah I'm a ball of nerves, while the other guys are sipping their coffee's and Scotch, I'm sitting here trying to not snap at them for being so fucking chirpy, laughing and talking shit like this meeting is some normal occurrence. The only guys quiet in the room, happens to be the usual boardroom crew, but the new"guest" acted as if this was some kind of barbeque while we waited for the Don to appear.

The moment Steph walked in all of them shut their traps and bowed and I was never so happy to see him. He nodded at them and made his way over to the head of the table, since we were using the boardroom table, which we haven't used in forever, Gio and myself on either side of him, everyone stood and waited for him to take his seat and once everyone was seat, Steph took his time to scan the room as if to make sure everyone was present and accounted for, while he sipped his Scotch, which was placed in front of him the second he sat down.

 He nodded at them and made his way over to the head of the table, since we were using the boardroom table, which we haven't used in forever, Gio and myself on either side of him, everyone stood and waited for him to take his seat and once everyon...

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