Chapter 16 - We got this... But maybe we don't

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NEXT DAY - (Fri, 06 January 2023)

Maddie's POV

Last night I saw Dante leaving the house and I ran after him, thinking his leaving because I couldn't stand being here on my own for one more damn day. The only people that actually talk to me is Gia, the guys when they are actually here, Gabby in her own way but I have a feeling those bitches turned her against me too and then there's Kiara, she only speaks to me when she feels she has to or when she accidentally run into me, so all in all, I don't a fuck feel welcome here and I thought maybe if I spoke to Dante, he can spend more time with me because I did come here only for him.

But when I reached the front door, I saw him walking to the guest house, so I thought I'd wait for him to come back because clearly he wasn't leaving because he walked over there, instead of getting one of the guards to bring his car out of the garage. But an hour and a half went by of me sitting on the front steps, waiting for him and still there was no sign of him. So I decided to walk towards the guest house and see what his doing, thinking maybe his with the guys there chilling or maybe he went there to rest because last time he did tell me, he sometimes sleeps in the guest house.

As I got in front of the guest house and I heard him laughing but he wasn't alone, I heard a woman's voice as well as the TV. I knew he was watching a horror movie again because back in the day, we use to watch horror marathons together, it was our thing, you know. Now imagine my surprise, when I took a peek through the window and saw him sitting on the couch, with that bitch, all cozy and laughing, like they didn't have a fucking care in the world. I came here for him, I'm living in his brother damn house, for him and there he sat with her!

I stood there for a while watching them, the way he looked at her and the way they try to find any excuse to touch each other, made me sick! All I wanted to do was go in there and rip her away from him, I wanted to scream everytime she made him laugh, because his laughter belongs to me, the smile he had on his face, was suppose to be directed at me, not HER! As I stood there watching through the window, like a creep, I watched as she stood and I watched Dante, the way he was practically drooling over her disgustingly fat ass, I watched as he stood after she walked out of the room and adjusted his erection.

I threw myself at him, twice, joined him in the shower, naked and what did he do? He looked at me disgustingly and then rejected me, he had the nerve to reject ME! And there he was just sitting next to her and looking at her fat fucking ass and got turned on, for that?! Even after I saw that, I still didn't move away from the window, not caring who saw me spying on them because I needed to see for myself what he saw in her, why she made him feel the way he did.

Which is why when I moved to the kitchen window, when I saw him follow her and watch as he grinded on her I watched as he fingered her and kissed her passionately, like she was the only woman in the world he sees or wants and that broke me from the inside out. I couldn't stand there any longer, I couldn't make myself watch him fuck her because I knew that was where it was leading too. So I turned away and walked back to the house, got my car and drove off to the hotel I still have, something Dante knows nothing about. I had to make myself forget what I saw and I did.

Now I'm laying here naked in the arms of the one man that always managers to make me forget about Dante, even if it was only for a few hours or so. He doesn't know that I do not love him only, that I am actually in love with someone else too. And he can never find out because he would definitely lose his shit on me, and I can't lose him, his the only one that keeps me sane, that loves me in the way I so desperately want Dante too. And his also the one that will help me get rid of that bitch, get her out of the way so Dante can be mine, as he would do anything for me, that's how much he loves me.

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