Chapter 43 - I Love You DaD...

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Hey guys, before you get to the chapter I just want to apologise for disappearing on you for over a week, and for not responding to any of your texts, comments and concern messages. I really am sorry, I was dealing with some personal things and to make matters worse, I had to go and sick on top of everything! I'm just so sorry that I bailed on you, but I will respond to all your messages and comments, soon! I promise you I had already one an a half chapter completed, even though it was the rough draft it was completed, and I just had to finish the second Chapter, copy and past both rough drafts to Wattpad, add the images and the publish it and I would've done so a week ago, if I could and I'm Sorry for keeping you waiting!

And to make it up to you, I promise you'll get three to four chapters this week, the first is this one and chapter 44, which is also out now, and you'll receive Chapter 45 and/or 46 too on Wednesday, or Thursday if I get to finish yet another double update for you, but I promise you will get another one or two chapters in this week😉 Also just a reminder, the book is coming to an end, only three chapters still to go, so please don't expect anymore action, or even drama for that matter, because it's all about Dante's happy ending, drama would have to wait for Gio's book, which is up next and will be drama filled, I promise 😏 Anyway, long story short, I'm sorry and I hope you enjoyed the double update, and that it was worth the wait!😫



NEXT DAY - (Sat, 11 March 2023)

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NEXT DAY - (Sat, 11 March 2023)

Dante's POV

Yesterday after the meeting and after Steph and I had our chat, I left the mansion and drove straight to the hospital. I spend the whole day at the hospital, first it was just Jayden and myself, we talked about old times, cracked jokes and made fun of Dimi, we laughed trying to annoy the shit out of him so he would wake up and tell us to get the fuck out, or to shut up.

A few hours later Steph, Gio and Elijah joined us and brought a bottle of Scotch and some lunch for us, and that's how we spend most of the night, drinking talking shit like we use to do after a hard day's work, well before Steph met Kiara. It felt a lot like the old days, only difference was that Dimi wasn't awake to share his sarcastic comments and teasings. We all missed his presence, so much so it could actually be felt in the room.

So last night when I got back to the mansion, I send Aurora a message to tell her that she must pack a bag and that Sam will bring her to my place in the morning. I didn't want to waste all that hours, driving to the estate since it takes about two hours to get their, and then it'll take another three hours to get to my place in the Hamptons, from the estate. And that's five hours I don't want to waste. Not to mention the fact that I couldn't possibly drive in the car with her alone, with a fucking enormous dark cloud hanging over my head.

And I'm sure she would probably notice something is up the moment she gets in the car and I don't ravish her mouth in greeting, the way I normally do... So Sam is the best option, since he will spare us five hours that we could've spend working out our shit! And even better, by the time Aurora gets to my place, I'll probably be there already with a brunch that we can have together in the garden out back, I'm sure she would love that, plus it could be my last meal I share with my baby girl, because Lord only knows how this will all work out, but I'm hoping for the best.

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