Chapter 5 - The "TALK"

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SAME DAY - (Sunday, 27 November 2022) HOURS LATER

Dante's POV

Last night or I should say this morning around 2am I showed Maddie where her room is and she wanted me to stay with her, at first I thought it was because of the alcohol we drank, celebrating the fact that she's moving in but then I realized that maybe it's because it's her first night here so I agreed and layed down with her in my arms. It felt weird for some reason, it's not like this didn't happen before as we use to sleeping in the same bed back in the day but now for some odd reason I didn't like it one bit, which is why I stayed until I was sure she was fast asleep, and then I slipped out of her bed and out the room, without looking back or feeling bad for doing so.

Don't get me wrong there was nothing inappropriate about her wanting me to stay with her or the way we were laying as she is use to doing this when we would return home from a party back then but now things have changed, we're both grown up not to mention the fact that I feel it's wrong to share a bed with a woman, when my heart and mind is on another, whether it's innocent or not it's wrong in my eyes because I have not put Aurora behind me yet. Call me pathetic if you must for feeling this way but I feel that me sharing a bed with her is somehow betraying the love I have for Aurora.

Growing up we watched my father with different woman, sure it urked Steph because he hates the fuckboy type, but he knew that my father wasn't in a relationship with any of the woman he layed with, so it wasn't counted as betrayal and neither was my days of fucking around because I wasn't in a committed relationship, all the women knew what they were getting themselves into when sharing a bed with me.

Steph taught me to never betray a woman the way we thought our father betrayed our mother and when Steph took over the business, he made a point to rule betrayal as one of the laws that's punishable by death, sure that only applied to braking the code but everyone that knows the six of us, knows how we feel about betrayal regarding business and personal. So all in all we do not get into a relationship unless we know we won't go wondering off, meaning if we're not ready to settle with one woman, then WE DO NOT DATE. So laying with Maddie in my arms, felt wrong on so many levels and I hated it!

"Dee! Are you ready to go bro?!" I was brought out of my thoughts by Dimitri, who shouted from outside my bedroom door whilst knocking on the door.

"Yeah I'll be right down!" I yelled back and continued dressing as I was so lost in my thoughts, that I had forgotten that I was still busy getting dressed but it's because I'm in no mood for this damn beach day Steph had planned all of a sudden.

As soon as I was done dressing, I grabbed my wallet, my two phones and keys as I didn't know if we will be riding together or are we meeting there, wherever we'll be going. Grabbing my backpack with the necessity for the day that I had already gotten packed before my shower, I walked out of my bedroom and locked it behind me, I made my way down the hall towards the stairs where Dimitri and Jayden was already waiting.

Removing my phone I send a quick text to Maddie as I'm sure she's probably still asleep, letting her know that I left and that I'll see her later. As I told her last night to wait for me and that I'll take her to get her things at the hotel and Kiara also invited her to join her and the girls for the spar day. But what Kiara didn't know is that Maddie don't do spar days or girlfriends for that matter, she always use to say girlfriends means trouble which is why she chooses to befriend the opposite sex instead but she politely excepted the invitation but I'm sure she only did it because she didn't want to be rude to decline.

"You ready?" Jayden asks bringing my attention away from my phone and I just nodded at him, my head is killing me. I didn't get much sleep last night, since we went to bed late and then once I sneaked out of Maddie's bed, I couldn't sleep a wink when I got back to my room, Aurora was all over my damn mind all night or morning I should say.

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