Chapter 36 - I GOT YOU...

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SAME DAY - (Sun, 05 March 2023)

Dante's POV

As soon as I got in my car I started it up and was about to speed away from this fucked up place, the place I had no intention of ever returning to and had no business being anywhere near it either. But as my Beamer roared to life, I knew I couldn't just drive away without making sure Kiara leaves here alone and that she's not followed. No matter what she had done today, she's still my sister-in-law, my brother's life and since he isn't here to protect what's his, it's my duty to do so.

I moved my car away from the entrance and drove out of the gates of the Villa Roma Resort and parked my car on the side of the road, far enough so she wouldn't notice me but close enough so I can act in case she is being followed. While I waited for her to exit, so I can make sure she gets home safe, I decided to text Aurora.

Call it guilt that's eating me alive, or just me being worried about how I left things with her and how stupid I was the past couple of hours but either way, I needed to make sure she was okay, after all I don't know how long I'll be allowed to check in on her because once she knows what I've done, I know she'll leave and this time it'll be for good and I won't blame her if that's the case, because I FUCKED UP!

ME: I'm sorry baby...

I started off lamely but truthfully, because I had no idea how to start, because the things I needed to say to her, needs to be said face to face.

WILDCAT: No, I'm sorry.

ME: What for? You have nothing to be sorry for! I am the asshole who should be apolosing to you!

WILDCAT: I do, I shouldn't have pushed you like that. I should've waited for you to be ready to talk about your grief or to show me signs that you wanted or needed to talk. I should have just been there for you... Silently.

ME: I fucking love you so damn much! And I am so fucking sorry baby, I should never have snapped at you that way, or walked out on you the way I did. And for the record, you didn't do anything wrong because you were just being YOU...

WILDCAT: What do you mean by that?

ME: You were just being your caring self. You love hard... But you care even harder, with no pretence, no limitations and with no hidden agendas. One of the many reasons why I love you so damn much! And I'm so sorry for everything that happened, I know I fucked up and I am sorry, I truly am...

I said that full hearted, not just for the argument that I made a big deal, when all she did was be concerned about the man she loves. I know I'm being a coward right now for apolosing with a double meaning, one she has no clue about what I had almost done. But then again I did cheat didn't I? I touched another, I allowed another to touch me, I got turned on by another, so in every sense of the word, I cheated! Betrayed her in the worse possible way. And I have no doubt that I might have just ruined the one and only good thing I got going for me. And I might even lose the one person that means more to me than life itself, more than the air that I breath! But I'll make this right, I will! She just got to give me that chance to do so...

WILDCAT: I understand and I'm sorry too, and I love you more than I ever could explain into words. Just remember that while you're out there, know that you have me and our baby to come home to. So be careful and please come back me.

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