Chapter 13 - I'm so dead...

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Hey guys before you get to the chapter, I just want to wish Toluwanimi200 👑 a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY 😘🙌 👏🎂💃May the Almighty grant you many more years to come love 💜💕🎇🎉🎊🎈🎆  I really hope you have a fantastic day and I thank you for all the love and support you have given me and my books, I appreciate you 😘THIS CHAPTER IS DEDICATED TO YOU💜

Anyways that's it from me for now, please do read my authors note at the end thank you and enjoy!💜



SAME DAY - (Fri, 09 December 2022)

Dante's POV

When we got to the estate, I was so in a rush to get to Kiara to get them out, that I paid no attention to any of the staff, well that's until Alfred approached me before I got to Steph and Kiara's room. He told me that Maddie left with her things, that she didn't go with my father and the girls and went back to the hotel she was staying at and that she asked him to tell me that if I wanted to see her, I would know where she is. At first I was confused because everyone of the girls was suppose to go with him but then I understood, with the fights Aurora and Maddie had and with me not being there for Maddie since she was in Town for me, I get why she didn't want to go with them, as stupid of a decision as that was, I get it and besides no one knows she is with us or knows us even so I guess it's safe for her to be on her own but I did take measures in making sure she's protected.

I understand why she felt like she needed to go because she came here for me and yet I have not even spend a full day with her, and I feel like utter shit for that. She came all this way for me, sure I have my reasons but still when I really think about it, it just sounds like a fucking excuse I'm making. She can't help for the way she feels about me and I can't be mad at her for that, I have to fix us when this is done. I have to fix my relationship with my best friend, she has to know that I'm sorry and that I love her.

As soon as Alfred told me this, I send Maddie a quick text to check in with her and told her that I'll see her soon and that I'm sorry for everything that's happened and promised to come get her and have her stay with me, instead of the estate where Aurora is. I know that's not a good idea but I have to do right by my friend and Aurora of course but I just think this way is best, it'll defuse a possible explosion between the two later on. I'm not going to take any action with Aurora until I can make Maddie understand and not hate me and until I'm sure of Aurora's true feelings and intention, I won't claim her. I didn't sleep with Maddie because she isn't attractive but because I didn't want to ruin our friendship, so I can't let my love for Aurora ruin my friendship with Maddie either.

"Dante!" I heard Kiara's voice bringing me out of my thoughts, and when I looked up I saw Kiara walking into the office I'm currently sitting in, on the couch infront of my laptop.

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