Chapter 31 - They can't all be... GONE!

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Hey guys as promised a double update. Again, I'm sorry for being late I really am and I did try to get both chapters done for you. Now before you get to reading, just a little warning, this chapter is going to be very emotional... heartbreaking... heart wrenching, and might be sensitive to some and I am so sorry....😢 But please be warned, and have your tissue box at hand... And if you're a smoker, you'll need a thick cigarette too😂 Anyways that's it for now, hope you enjoy 💜



SAME DAY - (Sun, 19 February 2023) (MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT)

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SAME DAY - (Sun, 19 February 2023) (MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT)

Giovanni's POV

We are currently on our way to the mansion as Elijah got the location the Chevy drove off to, somewhere on the outskirts of the City, to an abandoned house. We all know the risk of going there but we also know why we need to take that risk, because Gabby and Dante can't lose their father too. We are both a mess but we are trying to push the grief and agony aside, so we can focus on getting Antonio back to his children, who will need him now more than ever.

Roberto and Francesco met us at the hospital, and it took a while for Roberto to believe that Steph is no longer with us, he even went to see him to prove us wrong. We could all see when he got back, he looked a mess, of course Roberto hid his emotions behind his anger and rage, and of course his wearing a blank face but both Elijah and I could see the pain in his eyes. Steph was really good to him, he got Roberto all his money back plus extra of them years back, he got Roberto his properties back and even rebuild his mansion in Miami, the two was always close, well with me of course but Roberto and Steph grew up together since babies, their fathers were best friends, he knew Steph a few years before I met him as I met the two when we were about 12.

Francesco on the other hand, went to speak to Dr Jacobs to find out what happened to Steph, and it was weird that he wasn't showing any kind of emotion, I think it's either because his really good at hiding it or it's because he doesn't know Steph that long to be as fucked up as the rest of us, for the loss of our brother but then again Elijah has a point, he can't not feel anything because for the past few months, he too had become close to all of us including Steph, so my question is, why isn't he affected by Steph's death like the rest of us. I was brought out of my thoughts by my phone ringing.

"Paul?" I asked as soon as I saw it's him calling, knowing he probably has an update for me on what's happening at the hospital because earlier I did tell him to keep me posted.

"Gio, Dante's awake, Aurora caught a nurse trying to inject some kind of drug into Dante's IV" Paul said but I cut him off.

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