Chapter 7 - Emergency Meeting

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SAME DAY - (Sun, 27 November 2022)

Dante's POV

"WHAT?!" was all I could say, this day was starting to get weirder by the second.

First it was the guys and their intervention and then they insisted that my best friend of so many years, isn't just in love with me but is here for a whole other reason than just visiting her long loss friend. Then there is the incident with Aurora, which by the way was fucking shocking and damn confusing, where all that came from is beyond me, it was unexpected to me and out of character for her, that I couldn't even form a sentence towards her. And now this shit! Maddie making a move on me and then confesses her love for me?! What the fuck is happening today?!

"Dante did you hear me?" I was brought out of my thoughts by Maddie asking me softly and I didn't even realize that she was so close to me.

"Yes I heard you alright, please just back up Mads. This is a lot to take in! FUCK! Why would you do this now? When did you discover that you were so in love with me, huh?" I asked dreading her answer but I know that I needed to hear this.

"Well I can't exactly tell you when I realized how I feel about you but I can tell you that it happened when we were still in college, I mean we use to spend every day together and the way you made me feel, how could I not fall in love with you? I was in love with you throughout our college days" she says the last part with a shrug and I looked at her like she was crazy, how I made her feel?!

"What do you mean, how I made you feel Maddie? We were friends of course I would take care of you but it was NEVER more than that, you know it, fuck Maddie! How could you read my kindness and care in such a way? I fucking slept with so many women in the same damn apartment you were in, so how could you think there could ever be an us if you fell for me?" I asked a little to harshly than I intended and then I signed when I saw the hurt flash over her beautiful features.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to be so harsh, I just don't know what to do, this is completely unexpected and I don't do well with surprises but I'm sorry" I said, caressing her cheek so she could look up at me and when she did, for the first time I could actually see how she really feel about me and my hand flinched away from her, I didn't mean it in that way but the way she was looking at me, is probably the same way I looked at Aurora.
Fuck Aurora...

"Listen Mads I h-" I was busy saying when the ringing of my phone interrupted me. Without thinking twice, I removed it from my pocket to see who was calling and it was Gio and I knew something happened so I answered it.

"Yeah?" I answered looking at the hurt look on Maddie's face and I grabbed her by the shoulders and wrapped my free arm around her, so I wouldn't be able to see her hurtful eyes staring at me.

"Are you back yet?" Gio asked and I can hear his running or walking not sure but he sounds out of breath.

"Yeah what's going on! What happened?!" I asked alert, letting go of Maddie and she looks at me with the same worry I have.

"Emergency meeting, Steph's office now!" Gio says in one breath.

"Be right there" I said and hung up and turned to Maddie again. "I have to go, I'm not sure what happened but it sounds urgent but we will finish this conversation as soon as I can, yeah?" I asked her and she nods her head, she obviously understand as Maddie knows everything about our business, she knows who we are and what we do so I need not explain anything to her.

"Okay, please be careful" she whispers out and I smile at her, somethings never change.

"I will, always am" I said with a wink and then grabbed her and kissed her forehead. "We will talk about this soon okay, I'm sorry but I have to go" I said letting her go but she grabbed me again and pecked my lips softly, shocking me again.

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