Chapter 35 - What The FUCK?!!!

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Hey guys before you get to the chapter just a little warning, the chapter will contain STRONG LANGUAGE and slight sexual content, so please be aware no person's under the age of 18 are to read this chapter. Let's just say there will be lots of NOT SO PRETTY words, "VULGAR & CRUDE LANGUAGE" To some maybe 😏 So please BE AWARE!!! Also I want to ask you to please read the following chapter with an OPEN MIND! And DO NOT READ TO RESPOND!!! Meaning please DO NOT send me hate messages or threatening comments, not all stories are fairytale like, and sunshine and roses, the characters will fuck up just like ordinary people would in reality.... So please remember that!!! Anyways I hope you enjoy the chapter and that you will heed my warnings and don't forget 18+ only, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!

 So please remember that!!! Anyways I hope you enjoy the chapter and that you will heed my warnings and don't forget 18+ only, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!

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SAME DAY - (Sun, 05 March 2023)

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SAME DAY - (Sun, 05 March 2023)

Dante's POV

I've been driving around for the past... I don't know two, three hours, still not sure if the place I had intended on going to, would be the best decision. Granted that's the only place I can think of going where I can actually get my head straight, the place I get to be myself or my "old self" and maybe fuck up a bit, or I should say "live up to my MANY names" A fuckboy? Manwhore? Party animal? A Fuck up? I've been referred to all of the above, by my "holier than thou" brother. The same man I use to see as my idol, the reason I could actually see what love is and had envied it for the first time in my life. Ha! What a fucking a joke that was because I might not know anything about love, but what I do know is, you do NOT put the "love of your life" through the kind of agony he put Kiara through.

Maybe I'm looking at this the wrong way because as fucked up as I've always been, I probably wouldn't give a shit about hurting someone I supposedly love more than life itself either. I mean maybe that's the reason why I always saw him as an idol, someone to live up to. Granted I won't put Aurora through that kind of betrayal by having her bury me while I stand and watch on the sidelines, but maybe I WILL set her free because clearly the blood that runs through the Romano men, makes us do fucked up things to the people we love and she doesn't deserve that. And maybe I will go to the one place I swore I would never return to, where temptation is high. Yeah I should go there, give her a reason to leave, no... A reason to RUN!

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