Chapter 46 - Wedding Day (Part 2)

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SAME DAY - (Fri, 24 March 2023)

Third Party's POV

Dante stood anxiously, bouncing on his heals as watched the top of the stairs. Seconds later he heard the soft soothing sound coming from the woman he hired to play the piano for the bridesmaids, flower girls and ring bearer to walk down the stairs to, since Aurora chose Kennedy G, to play when she walks down the aisle, and he wanted something different for the wedding party. He watched as Giorgia walked down first, accompanied by Jayden, then Gabriella came down the stairs next, accompanied by Giovanni, then Kiara came next, alone since she is the maid of honor and stood at the top of the stairs looking down at her husband.

Stephano stood at the bottom of the stairs, looking up and the moment he saw her approaching the top of the stairs, he ran his eyes, from her feet up to her growing stomach and stopped at her face, locking his intense gaze on her. Each and every groomsmen stood looking solely at Stephano, even Dante turned his gaze to his brother. All of them could see the admiration and love on his face, that's when it hit Dante that Stephano had indeed forgiven his wife, since Stephano didn't want to talk about it, but he had a feeling they sorted through their problem since they could actually talk to each other, without fighting the past two weeks.

As soon as Kiara started walking down the stairs, Stephano took slow steps up the stairs and met her halfway, something that wasn't really apart of the ceremony, but he didn't care either way. The second they came face to face he leaned down and kissed her, and everyone in the foyer chuckled at his action, only then did the two break the kiss and snapped out of their daze and proceeded to descend the stairs, and after another peck to the lips, the two split and stood in their assign spots, and Dante only shook his head at his brother, but send him a wink and a grin, which Stephano reciprocated.

Next was Stephano and Kiara's three children, Alessandro stood in the middle holding the pillow with the rings on it, and his two sisters, Alessandra and Alexandria on either side of him, both holding flower baskets, filled with pink and white rose petals. As the three descended the stairs, the two girls threw down the pedals with each step, just like their mom showed them too. Their parents stood proud as they watched their kids doing actually as they were told and as they came to the end of the aisle where Dante stood, Dante leaned his fist forward and Alessandro fist bumped his uncle and Stephano chuckled and pulled his son to stand in front of him, while the girls went and stood infront of their mom.

The piano cut and seconds later the music started, and everyone including Dante looked to the top of the stairs where they knew Aurora would be arriving and second. Aurora was told that it was her turn and when the door opened, she still had no clue as to where they were, but she was excited to see since Dante was so secretive as to where they will be marrying.


"Miss Taylor, may I have the privilege of walking you down the aisle?" Aurora heard as soon as she stepped out of the room and she laughed at Justin who was bowing in front of her with his one hand held out to her, which she took with unshed tears in her eyes, because she knew this was her fiance's doing.

"It would be an honor" she says, playing along with his act and he grinned at her in response as he placed her hand on his arm, which she clutched tightly as her nerves picked up, with every step they took.

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