Chapter 45 - Wedding Day (Part 1)

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NEXT DAY - (Sun, 12 March 2023) AFTER MIDNIGHT

Aurora's POV

I'm currently laying on Dante's chest, both breathing heavily from another round of rough, delicious sex, which might've been a little sinful too. His insatiable, after he proposed, he did exactly what he said he would, he showed me just how sinfully romantic he can be, and boy was it romantic the way he made love to me... Then he said we needed to take shower before we have dinner, so we ended up fucking in the shower too.

Then Dante cooked us some steaks and chips, while I made us a salad, but during the cooking process, we had to take an hour break because at that time he had me bend over the counter and did it again, and again after dinner, on the dinning room table, and then again in bed... Yeah insatiable, and I am sore but at least he kept his promise, fucked me RAW! But all in all we had an amazing time, sure we had sex most of the time, but in-between and during, Dante made a point in expressing how much he loves me. Now here we are wrapped in each others arms, coming down from our high, both sweety and spent, or at least I am, and I pray to God he is too though!

"You okay?" Dante asked running his fingers over my back soothingly.

"I'm fine... Just a little sore" I said throwing in the last part so he could maybe get the hint that I was DONE FOR! And the asshole let out a chuckle and pecked me on the head.

"Then I'd say I did my job" he said pulling me on top of him and he immediately kissed me on the lips. "There's still a few things I need to talk to you about, but if you're tired we can discuss it in the morning" he said pecking me again and stroking my hair.

"I'm fine, you can tell me now, otherwise I'll stress about it all night" I said and then climbed off of him and he blew out a heavy breath, which instantly worried me.

"Okay..." He says and then turned on his side to face me, wrapping his one arm around me as soon as I turned fully on my side too. "I know I probably should have discussed this with you before asking you to marry me, but just know you can say no, I won't force you into anything" he says and I swallowed, wondering where he was going with this little speech, nodding my head for him to go for it, not trusting my voice at the moment.

"A couple of days ago, Steph called a meeting at the mansion and he announced that changes needed to be made" he said and I nodded my head. "He said it was way to easy for the enemy to attack all of us in one go, and I understand that because it wasn't the first time it happened either. Remember the attack of Mikhail at the mansion a few years back, where Gio and Dimi got hit badly?" He asked and I nodded my head because I remember that, it was right after Steph and Kiara got married and returned from their honeymoon, right after the explosion where Steph lost his memory.

"Well because of this, Steph feels it's best that we split" he says and I pulled my brows together confusedly because I didn't understand how that could be possible. "I don't know, if you know this or not, but our base of operations is in Italy, that's where the main warehouse is, and the factory where we make the weapons, for legal and illegal purpose. And he suggested either he relocates and takes half of the high ranked men with him, or I do" he says and I closed my eyes knowing exactly where he was going with this, taking a deep breath, I decided to put him out of his misery, since his having a hard time getting to the point.

"And you decided that you'll be going?" I asked and he nodded his head, and looked at me intently, studying my face, no doubt.

"Well yeah, because Italy might be our base, but to the Underworld, New York is seen as the base and Steph has to be here, plus with everything going on between him and Kiara, I thought it be best for me to go because I know my brother" he says shaking his head.

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